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PREFIXES il-, im-, in-, ir- not.

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Presentation on theme: "PREFIXES il-, im-, in-, ir- not."— Presentation transcript:

1 PREFIXES il-, im-, in-, ir- not

2 illegal (adj) not within the law; not acceptable

3 immobile (adj) not able to move; not movable; motionless

4 impaired (adj) not of full quality, ability, or strength; damaged

5 impede (v) to not be able to move forward; to block the passage

6 inactive (adj) not in use; idle; not active

7 incapable (adj) unable; not having the ability

8 irregular (adj) not following a pattern; not regular

9 irreversible (adj) not able to change back to a former state; impossible to revert back

10 The End!!! Take your grammar folders home nightly to study for your test on Friday!

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