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Let’s get into groups of 4

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1 Let’s get into groups of 4
Please get out piggy packets so I can stamp you! Animal Farm Ch 1,2 Let’s get into groups of 4

2 What to do: Choose a group leader.
Leader will lead the discussion by asking each person their answer, and then they will share their own answer. You will have a few minutes to discuss each question; when the time is up, we’ll share as a whole class.

3 Question #1: What form of government does “Animalism” most resemble? Defend your answer with evidence/specifics.

4 Question(s) #2 a,b Who took the milk? Why do you think so?
What might your speculations foreshadow?

5 #5 (where are 3, 4?) a and b What effect does the taste of power seem to have on the piggies? How does power tend to change those who have it? Is this simply human nature? I heart power.

6 Question #5 c: Think of an example in history or your own life where an abuse of power has occurred. How was the abuse similar to the way the pigs are abusing power on Animal Farm? How was it different?

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