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Seminar report on IPv4 & IPv6

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1 Seminar report on IPv4 & IPv6

2 Introduction: Internet protocol is defined as that it is the set of technical rules how computers are communicate over network. There are two types of internet protocols are present. These are IP Version 4(IPv4) IP Version 6(IPv6)

3 CONTENTS: Introduction Network layer Internet protocol IPv4
N/W addressing in IPv4 Datagram format for IPv4 IPv6 Packet format for IPv6 Advantages of IPv6 over IPv4 Conclusion

4 Network layer: The function of network layer are to route the signal through various channels to the other end. The network layer deals with the transporting the signal from sender to receiver that travelling through the intermediate route of the system.

5 Internet protocol: Protocol is the set of rules that defines how the several computers are connected in a network. Protocols are used for transmitting of information from source to destination. It is of two types. These are IPv4 IPv6 These protocols are present in network layer in OSI model.

6 IPv4: It is the delivery mechanism used by TCP/IP protocol.
It is a unreliable and connectionless datagram protocol. It provides the best effort delivery service. It is of 32 bits long.

7 Position of ipV4 in n/w layer:
Application Layer Transport Network Datalink layer Physical layer SMTP FTP TFTP BOOT SCTP TCP UDP IGMP ICMP IPV4 ARP RARP UNDERLINE LAN OR WAN TECHNOLOGY

8 Network Addressing in IPv4:
N/W addressing in IPv4 is of two types. These are Class based addressing Class less addressing IPv4 is 32 bit long & it is divided into 4 groups. Each group contain 8 bits. 8 bits are combined to form an octet. IP address that can be represented by two notations , These are Binary Notation Dotted decimal Notation

9 Dotted Decimal Notation:
Binary Notation: In binary notation all the bits are represented by 0 and 1. The total no. of address supported by IP≈ 4 billion of address. In this notation each octet is a 8 bit binary number. Dotted Decimal Notation: In this notation we used to represent each and every octet by a decimal number and each group is separated by a dot

10 Class based addressing is divided into 5 classes. These are 1
Class based addressing is divided into 5 classes. These are 1. Class A, 2.Class B, 3. Class C, 4. Class D, 5. Class E Class A: The class A was designed for large organisations with large no. Of routers and host. The first octent of class A will have the value from 0 to in dotted decimal notation. In binary notation the first bit of the octent is zero. Net ID Host ID Host ID Host ID Binary Notation Decimal 0-127 .

11 Class B: The class B address was designed for mid size organisation.
The first two represents the net ID and the last two represents the host ID. In binary notation the value of 2 bits of first octent is 10 and in dotted decimal notation the value varies from to 191. Net ID Net ID Host ID Host ID Binary Notation Decimal 10

12 Class C: In this case the first 3 bit of the first octent is having the value 110. In dotted decimal representation it has the value to 223 Net ID Net ID Net ID Host ID Binary notation Decimal Notation Class D :It has no host ID or net ID. The first 4 bit of the first octent is and in dotted decimal notation the value ranges from to 239. Binary Notation Decimal Notation 110 1110

13 Class E: 1111 This address has been reserved for research purpose.
Here the value of first 4 bit of first octent contains In dotted decimal notation the value ranges from to 255. Binary Notation Decimal Notation 1111

14 Datagram: Packets in the IPV4 layer are called data grams . A datagram is a variable length packet that consisting of two parts. These are Header Data The header is 20 to bytes and contains information i.e essential for routing and delivery and the header is represented in 4-byte sections. These are Version Header length Service Total length

15 Datagram format for IPv4:
20-65,536 bytes P rotocolbytes Header Data Ver 4 bits HLEN 4 Bits Service 8 Bits Total Length 16 bits Identification 16 bits Flag 3 bits Flag. Off 13 bits Time to live 8 bits Header checksum 8 bits Source of IP address Destination of IP address Option

16 Version: This 4-bit field defines the version of the IPV4 protocol. Currently the version is 4. It is represented as VER. This field tells about the datagram that has the format of IPv4.

17 Header length(HLEN): Service type:
It is a 4-bit field that defines the total length of the datagram header in 4-byte words. Service type: In this case the first 3-bits are called precedence bits and the next 4bits are called type of service.

18 Total length: This is a 16-bit field that defines the total length (header plus data) of the IPv4 datagram in bytes. The total length field defines the total length of the datagram including the header. Length of data=total length- header length

19 IPv6: Ipv6 stands for internetworking protocol with version 6.
It is of bits long. It is also known as IPNG means internetworking protocol of next generation.

20 Packet format in IPv6: In IPv6 each packet is composed of a mandatory base header followed by the payload. The payload that consists of two parts. These are Optional extension headers Data from an upper layer

21 Packet format in IPv6 datagram:
4 Bits Bits Bits Bits Bits VER PRI FLOW LABEL Next Header Hop limit Source address Destination address Next header Header length Next header Header length Next header Header length

22 Advantages of IPv6 over IPv4:
Larger address space: An IPv6 address is bits long where as an IPv4 address is 32 bits long. Better header format: IPv6 uses a new header format in which options are separated from the base header and inserted when needed between the base header and the upper layer data. This increase the speed of the routing process. New options: IPv6 has new options to allow for additional functionalities. Allowance foe extension: IPv6 is designed to allow the extension of protocol if required for new applications.

23 Conclusion: IPv4 is an unreliable connectionless protocol responsible for source to destination delivery. Packet in the IPv4 are called data grams. IPv6 is the latest version of the internet Protocol, has a 128-bit address space. An IPv6 datagram is composed of a base header and a payload. The option fields in IPv4 are implemented as extension header in IPv6.

24 Thank you…

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