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“Cognitive Linguistics”

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1 “Cognitive Linguistics”
Laura A. Janda

2 Since Stockholm 1999… Santa Barbara, CA 2001 La Rioja, Spain 2003
Seoul, Korea 2005 Krakow, Poland 2007 Berkely, CA 2009

3 Our Journal… “Tier I” International journal since 1989… Currently edited by Adele Goldberg (Princeton U)

4 Relations to other disciplines
psychology, anthropology, neurobiology, AI, etc. Why is this important? How does this differ from other linguistic approaches?

5 Core concepts Status of linguistic cognition Status of meaning
Status of prediction Embodiment of meaning and perceptual filtering of reality Structure of cognitive categories Mental spaces and mapping – metaphor, metonymy, and blends

6 Advantages of Cognitive Linguistics
Data-friendly User-friendly (Case Book for Russian and pedagogical applications)

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