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Safety Student Learning Map

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Presentation on theme: "Safety Student Learning Map"— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety Student Learning Map
What is the purpose of a Student Learning Map?

2 Safety Student Learning Map
Unit Essential Question: Why is safety the responsibility of every health care worker?

3 Concept: Body Mechanics
LEQs: Why are proper body mechanics important? How does a health care worker use proper body mechanics? How does one safely transport / transfer a patient. fix on your SLM

4 Key Terms Ergonomics OBRA

5 LEQ Key Terms What is the responsibility of OSHA? MSDS / SDS OSHA
Concept: OSHA LEQ What is the responsibility of OSHA? Key Terms MSDS / SDS OSHA

6 Safety / Infection Control Project
COPY THIS DOWN! Topic: Safety is the responsibility of EVERY health care worker I will use the judging sheet for the HOSA Extemporaneous Poster to grade You will have to get a piece of posterboard (let me know ASAP if you will have difficulty getting this) Due: Wed. 8/17/16

7 grab a red book off the back counter
Friday, August 12, 2016 Get a copy of the Health Poster judging sheet off the front counter; put your first & last name on it grab a red book off the back counter get out paper & something to write with

8 Why are proper body mechanics important?
reminder of LEQs Why are proper body mechanics important? How does a health care worker use proper body mechanics?

9 As you read, take notes on the following:
Read pgs As you read, take notes on the following: What is body mechanics? Reasons for using good body mechanics Rules of good body mechanics

10 Let’s Discuss body mechanics
what is it? reasons rules

11 For each picture, tell at least 3 ways proper body Mechanics are NOT being used.
Diagram 1

12 Maintain broad base of support
Use strongest muscles Use weight of your body to help push

13 Diagram 2

14 Maintain broad base of support
Use strongest muscles Stand close & carry heavy objects close to body

15 Diagram 3

16 Maintain broad base of support
Bend from hips & knees Use strongest muscles

17 Safety Poster Get out some paper and work on planning out your Safety Poster; you may want to look through Unit 12 in the red book for some ideas

18 Get with a partner & get 1 evaluation sheet per pair
Work through Procedure 12:1, pgs Skip #5 Use a desk instead of a bed for #6 Your partner will use a dry erase marker to mark the evaluation form on your use body mechanics

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