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Leydi Piñarreta Moreno

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1 Leydi Piñarreta Moreno
1174 ‘’virgen del carmen’’ THE REFRIGERATOR Name: Teacher: Grade: Leydi Piñarreta Moreno Raquel Rocha 5º A

2 R E F R I G E R A T O R 1.- ¿What is that? This is a refrigerator
2.- ¿What is it for? Serves to preserve some things, food, etc.. 3.- ¿Who invented it? It is a invented by William Cullen at the University of Glasgow in 1748 4.-¿what is it made? Of the refrigerator has circuits resistors, transformers. 5.-¿How does it work? first current transformer enters and starts running after work (the trust).

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