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Training: Intro to FLAC (Faculty Load & Compensation)

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1 Training: Intro to FLAC (Faculty Load & Compensation)
Anna LaGreca

2 Faculty Load & Compensation
This course is going to focus on: What this new solution is all about The ways it can help you manage an unruly Faculty Load Management workflow

3 Faculty Load & Compensation Solution
Integrates Faculty, Course, and Human Resources information together into one easy-to-use interface Allows you to use your baseline ERP to the extent you choose and supplement that with FAST data entry forms

4 Why? For schools not using ERP Baseline Faculty Load & Compensation Module: Most manage faculty course loads and compensation through excel spreadsheets Problems: Time consuming Error prone Everyone does it differently No way to do accurate reporting, course cost analysis or budget projections Inaccurate Pay

5 Why? For schools using ERP Baseline Faculty Load & Compensation Module: No good way to give upper level administrators (Provost Office, Department Chairs) access to true FTE by faculty in an easy-to-use and query format Hard to combine with Course Revenue information to determine accurate course revenues and expenses Difficult to find errors

6 The Details... New Faculty Menu (Student App)

7 Term Faculty Workload Summary
Brings together standard Faculty Workload and Non-Instructional Workload by HR Position, allowing you to see the full picture Via role-based security, allow Department Chairs and others to make necessary adjustments, approve workload by Faculty member, and track comments in one centralized location

8 Term Faculty Workload Summary

9 Manage Faculty Workload
Maintain Faculty Workload information in one easy-to-use form pre-populated with Instructor Course information and existing FLAC information from ERP Manage Overload Workload vs Standard Workload

10 Manage Faculty Workload

11 Faculty Non-Instructional Workload
Keep track of Non-Instructional Workload such as department chair responsibilities, sabbaticals, research, advising

12 Term Faculty Workload Summary

13 Faculty Non-Instructional Workload
Enter Non-Instructional Workload by term, employee, department, workload type, etc.

14 Term Faculty Workload Summary
Data on Term Summary form automatically gets updated.  Once record approved, edit icons no longer appear.

15 Reporting All data entry forms can also be used as reports and also in graphs/dashboards Useful pinned reports and/or dashboard examples: People assigned to teach a job without an active HR Position Average FTE per department, college, faculty member, etc. Average number of open seats per class per department, college, faculty member, etc. Total workload taught by adjuncts by department

16 What’s Next? PHASE I: Faculty Load and Compensation tracking is step one of our comprehensive Course Revenue and Expense tracking project PHASE II: The next piece is to develop comprehensive Revenue by Course reporting customizable based upon Institutional setup (track by CRN functionality, etc.) If you are interested in implementing Phase I and/or Phase II, please submit a customer support ticket so we can help you along the way!!!

17 Questions ?

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