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Addictive Substances Listening & Speaking Chapter 7 Part 1: Tobacco on College Campuses 601 Core Spring 2, 2011.

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1 Addictive Substances Listening & Speaking Chapter 7 Part 1: Tobacco on College Campuses
601 Core Spring 2, 2011

2 Listening & Speaking Chapter 7

3 Listening & Speaking Chapter 7
What might be the purpose of the advertisement in the picture? What are some negative effects of cigarette smoking? What are some other habits that have negative effects on health?

4 Cigarette Marketing How have cigarettes been marketed in the past? How do these ads try to convince people to smoke? The Marlboro Man “You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby!” “Doctors smoke Camels!”

5 Listening & Speaking p. 194 What’s happening in the picture?
A. Brainstorming: In small groups, think of 5 addictive substances, write them on the chart, and check if they are legal or illegal. If they are legal, fill in the age at which they are legal to use.

6 What do you think? Move around the room, find the students who agree with you on the answers to these questions, and stand with them. Nicotine/tobacco, cocaine, heroin, marijuana Which drug is the most addictive? Why? Which drug is the most abused? Which drug is the most dangerous? Which drug causes the most social problems?

7 Listening & Speaking p. 194 B. Thinking ahead - discuss in small groups: Have you noticed students using addictive substances at your school? Which ones are the most common? What are some ways that people become addicted to substances?

8 Listening and Speaking p. 195
C. Predicting – make predictions with a partner: In recent years, has the number of adult cigarette smokers in the United States declined, increased, or stayed the same? Has the number of smokers in the United States between the ages of 18 and 24 declined, increased, or stayed the same?

9 Listening and Speaking p. 195
D. Reading: Smoking on Campus How are tobacco companies selling their products to college students?

10 Point of View & Opinion Does Rigotti speak objectively or subjectively in this text? On the TOEFL, you will have to notice opinions in readings or lectures, plus form and support your own opinion based on these texts, which describe a number of different topics.

11 Listening & Speaking p. 196 E. Discussion - in small groups:
Were the predictions that you made in Activity C correct? Were you surprised by any of the information in the reading? Is binge drinking, smoking and/or marijuana use a problem at your school? If there is a problem with alcohol, tobacco, and/or marijuana use at a school or college, what is a possible solution? Do you think that the solution should be the same for all three substances?

12 Listening & Speaking p. 196 4. Even though alcohol and tobacco are legal, do you think they should be banned (not allowed) on college campuses? Explain your answer. 5. Discuss addiction. What is it? What are some things that people become addicted to? How do people become addicted to substances? What are some treatments for addiction? Is it possible to smoke, drink alcohol, or take illegal drugs in moderation (in reasonable amounts) and not become addicted? 6. In your opinion, should illegal addictive substances such as cocaine and heroin be legalized? Explain your answer.

13 Listening & Speaking p. 196 F. Response Writing – free-write for 10 minutes on one of these topics (this will help you on your speaking assignment later in the chapter): Should alcohol and/or tobacco be banned on college campuses? Should addictive drugs such as cocaine and heroin become legal or remain illegal? Should marijuana be legalized? In your opinion, is it possible to try addictive substances and not become addicted?

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