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Start as we mean to go on: The Tube Line

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Presentation on theme: "Start as we mean to go on: The Tube Line"— Presentation transcript:

1 Start as we mean to go on: The Tube Line
Rule: clear connection between each consecutive idea or learning point. Collaboration: Be ready to explain their connections and give reasons for their choices. Awareness of collaborative learning potential Practical strategies!

2 The measure of collaboration?
Pairs: Take a character each 1:What’s Clegg saying? 2:What’s Cameron thinking? In a lesson, you could start with such an activity. Envelope it and then return to it. The quotes could be way off but pictures speak a thousand words – were they right in the general meaning?

3 Helium Stick with a planned and moveable attack!
Wasn’t working together so much better?

4 What was fundamental to the second go being more successful:
Context of a short term learning experience… Communication, engagement, pace, interdependence (dual responsibility), relationships, no freeloaders.

5 So, what does outstanding collaboration look like?

6 Roger T. and David W. Johnson Originally published in: J. Thousand, A
Roger T. and David W. Johnson  Originally published in: J. Thousand, A. Villa and A. Nevin (Eds), Creativity and Collaborative Learning; Brookes Press, Baltimore, 1994.

7 To illustrate a couple of points…
A structured discussion (with pace) Write down the name of your favourite film or book on a card Explain it to your partner in 30 seconds – do not name it. Partner cannot talk or ask questions in the 30 second period! Collaboration must not become an easy option – it must be planned to be rigorous – explain the risks. It should increase challenge, not relax the pace – the idea is that every single student is engage, not just one! For examples…

8 To illustrate a couple of points…
Writing it down on a card committed the student to actually completing the activity Timer provided pace and an end point Competition provided challenge

9 Mention constructivism – the idea that engagement and challenge is about constructing your own meanings, and to do this students really need to engage!

10 Ideas to support engagement through encouraging collaboration learning
….and a random selection of other nice ideas!

11 Sequencing Use Dienbienphu!

12 Making the links A number of variations (e.g. random words which is great for challenge). This one encourages working together: Simple links in pairs Complex links in pairs Split pairs – take your sheet and explain to another – they should explain one to you

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