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Yuichi Terashima (Ehime U.)

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1 Yuichi Terashima (Ehime U.)
Rare AGN Populations Found in the XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Sample Yuichi Terashima (Ehime U.) ``New Type of Obscured AGNs (K. Noguchi, Y. Ueda) Obscured AGNs in AKARI Infrared Sources (Y. Hirata, H. Matsuhara, S. Oyabu) Variability Selection of IMBH candidates (N. Kamizasa, H. Awaki)

2 1. Introduction Various populations must be sampled to understand AGN
unification/evolution. Many serendipitous X-ray sources in the XMM archives. Serendipitous source catalogue ~ sources listed (CR in various bands, hardness ratios, etc.) Watson+09

3 Our Targets Obscured AGNs Low-mass Supermassive BHs
``New type’’: large solid anlge is obscured by geometrically thick absorber New Obscured AGNs in infrared sources Low-mass Supermassive BHs (or Intermediate-mass BHs)

4 2. ``New Type’’ of Obscured AGNs
C: JAXA Swift/BAT selected AGN Suzaku follow up Swift J0601 Ueda+07 Very weak scattering compont ``New Type’’: Obscured by geometrically thick torus

5 New Sample of Obscured AGNs
Noguchi, YT+, ApJ, 2009, 2010 3% 0.5% 10% 1024cm-2 NH f scat our sample 1023cm-2 2XMM Catalogue sources Hardness selection 1-2, 2-4.5, keV HR HR4 (keV) Soft PL normalization Hard PL normalization 32 objects selected log NH 23-24, fscat <10% XMM spectra analyzed fscat =

6 Examples New Type (fscat < 0.5%): 8 objects found
fscat= F(0.5-2) / F(2-10) (absorption corrected) fscat= 0.1% fscat= 1% fscat= 10% Photons/cm2 s keV (keV)              (keV)   (keV) New Type (fscat < 0.5%): 8 objects found

7 L[OIII]/L2-10 vs fscat [OIII] optical narrow line:
photoionized gas in the opening part of absorber > 1 % XMM sample fscat < 1 % Ueda+07 prediction Weaker optical lines expected for ``new type’’ Optically selected sample log L[OIII] / L2-10 Optical emission- line selection: biased against objects with small opening angle log L[OIII] / L2-10

8 3 Obscured AGNs in Infrared Galaxies
Reprocessed IR emission from dust heated by central AGN is expected IR selection effective to search for hidden AGNs Spitzer+XMM/Chandra e.g., Poletta+08, Fiore+09, …

9 AKARI All Sky Survey AKARI + XMM catalog A New classification Diagram
Catalog URL: 9, 18, 65, 90, 140, 160 micron micron micron sources AKARI + XMM catalog A New classification Diagram New obscured AGNs Blue: 9 mm Green: 18 mm Red: 90 mm

10 CR – FIR Diagram: Classification of Activity
NH = 0 cm-2 Sample: 272 objects X-IR separation < 20 arcsec |b| > 10 deg 18 mm & 90 mm quality flag = 3 Need only ``X-ray CR and IR flux’’ classification possible w/out distance / spectra ● Seyfert 2 ○ Seyfert 1 ★HII ■LINER □ transition ♢ambiguous △unclassified * Galactic Ir units CR – CR2-4.5 CR CR2-4.5 HR4 =

11 New AGNs PL = 1.8 fixed J0505 J0525 NH = 6.5x1023 cm-2
NH values J0505 J0525 J0539 J0543 Hirata+, in prep

12 4. Variability Selection of IMBHs
SMBHs have grown through mass accretion and merger. Relatively low-mass SMBHs (or IMBHs <2x106Msolar): important class to understand AGN evolution. X-ray variability time scale --- related to BH mass Normalized excess variance (NXS): NXS – MBH correlation (e.g. Zhou+10, Ponti talk)

13 Selection Criteria Probability that the source is constant < 1×10-5
 718 sources in 2XMMi DR3 Not in SFR, SMC, LMC. Not stellar source Sources w/ Non-AGN type LC/Specta excluded  13 BLS1, 21 NLS1, 5 quasars, 2 unclassified AGN 3 NEW AGNs, Peculiar AGNs? Probability that the source is constant < 1×10-5 Count rate in keV >= 0.1 counts/sec Galactic latitude |b| >= 10° .

14 New AGNs: Light Curves and Spectra
Kamizasa+, in prep MBH = 2.6x105Msolar MBH = 1.1x106Msolar MBH = 1.8x106Msolar PL G = 1.83 BB kT=0.10 keV, PL G = 1.85 BB kT=0.14 keV, PL G = 2.35 Energy (keV) Energy (keV) Energy (keV) BLS1-like BLS1-like NLS1-like

15 BH mass and Eddington Ratio
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 106 107 108 log L2-10 MBH / M C ■ : Sy1 + Sy2 + QSO ■ : NLSy1 ■ : Unclassified AGN   : Eddington luminosity (Bolomtric correction factor 20 assumed) 5 objects: <106 Msolar 8 objects: Super Eddington Variability selection --- effective to select growing BHs.

16 Peculiar AGN? No signal above 1.7 keV Optical (SDSS) counter part:
Terashima+, in prep No signal above 1.7 keV Optical (SDSS) counter part: Galaxy at photo-z = 0.128 keV 3s uuper limit (G=2 PL assumed) MCD 0.21 keV or compTT kTe = 0.19 keV t = 27 Energy (keV) PN Soft thermal emission ONLY AGN in High/Soft state? -> Variability NOT compatible New state or Extreme soft excess in NLS1? MOS Energy (keV)

17 Summary 2XMM catalogue: ``Rare’’ AGN population can be found by applying various selection criteria. ``New type’’ AGNs obscured by geometrically thick absorber found by HR-HR selection. New X-IR diagram developed to efficiently classify activities. 4 New Obscured AGNs found We constructed a new sample of IMBH candidates 3 NEW IMBHs and peculiar AGN candidate found.

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