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Geant4 and videos on the web

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1 Geant4 and videos on the web
Laurent Garnier OSUR / INSU / CNRS Geant4 Collaboration Meeting – Ferrara – 12 September 2016 Laurent Garnier - OSUR / Geant4 Collaboration Meeting - 12 Sept Ferrara

2 Current status Users prefer looking at videos rather than plain tutorial : Online courses web site MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) Youtube Other web sites You can’t find some movies about Geant4 on the web, but nothing « official » Youtube movies made by people (geant4 version?, quality ?) Movies from Geant4 developpers, but only available on their web site Laurent Garnier - OSUR / Geant4 Collaboration Meeting - 12 Sept Ferrara

3 Youtube status Laurent Garnier - OSUR / Geant4 Collaboration Meeting - 12 Sept Ferrara

4 IN2P3 status A few tutorials made for Geant4.9.4 and Geant4.9.6 were made by Laurent Garnier a few years ago Well reference now on google Even if they were done for earlier version, they continue to be seen Laurent Garnier - OSUR / Geant4 Collaboration Meeting - 12 Sept Ferrara

5 IN2P3 status 130 views/day everage for the last 100 days
Laurent Garnier - OSUR / Geant4 Collaboration Meeting - 12 Sept Ferrara

6 IN2P3 status 130 views/day for the last 100 days
Laurent Garnier - OSUR / Geant4 Collaboration Meeting - 12 Sept Ferrara

7 What do we have from Geant4 members
Survey in January 2016 31 movies collected Around 360 Mo Topics : Virtual TASISpec for self-consistency of the data-analysis. Run-time modifications to the G4 QtGUI General overview of G4 Qt GUI Geant4 transport of phonons (*2) DAWN driver Raytracer OpenGL driver pi 10 GeV showers (*5) Qt driver (*11) Laurent Garnier - OSUR / Geant4 Collaboration Meeting - 12 Sept Ferrara

8 What could we do to outreach theses videos ?
Create a Geant4 account on Youtube Add a Geant4 Youtube channel But we have to control what we put : Control comments (allow or not users to add comments) Describe « at best » what we have in each video Store all theses videos not only on youtube, but also on a « trusted » area (CERN, ….) Be able to update videos for each release (at least an installation tutorial) In order to test that, I’ve put the collected videos on my own youtube account at beginning of September Laurent Garnier - OSUR / Geant4 Collaboration Meeting - 12 Sept Ferrara

9 Youtube channel for Geant4 (test)
[ Unofficial ] Laurent Garnier - OSUR / Geant4 Collaboration Meeting - 12 Sept Ferrara

10 Youtube channel for Geant4 (test)
After 7 days : [ Unofficial ] Laurent Garnier - OSUR / Geant4 Collaboration Meeting - 12 Sept Ferrara

11 Youtube channel for Geant4 (test)
After 7 days : [ Unofficial ] Laurent Garnier - OSUR / Geant4 Collaboration Meeting - 12 Sept Ferrara

12 Youtube channel for Geant4 (test)
Description [ Unofficial ] Laurent Garnier - OSUR / Geant4 Collaboration Meeting - 12 Sept Ferrara

13 Youtube : Movie description
All videos should contain : Thumbnail: Youtube choose the 5th second of the video Title Author : Geant4 collaboration member Short description Geant4 version and system Keywords Related videos Links to Download Geant4 Geant4 web site Geant4 mailing lists Youtube Category : Education or Science and technology? Licence : Youtube or Creative Commons ? Laurent Garnier - OSUR / Geant4 Collaboration Meeting - 12 Sept Ferrara

14 Youtube : What to do now Choose a « trusted » server to store videos (100Go should be fine, we have only 360Mo for the moment) Agreed on a « video description pattern » that will be put for all videos Be able to update new installation tutorials for each release Choose who will be able to have access to youtube account …. Find a Geant4 logo for Youtube (see next slide) Laurent Garnier - OSUR / Geant4 Collaboration Meeting - 12 Sept Ferrara

15 New logo for Geant4 Youtube channel
Why ? Account logo size is square Current Geant4 account is rectangle, difficult to fit in A square logo could be useful in other publications Laurent Garnier - OSUR / Geant4 Collaboration Meeting - 12 Sept Ferrara

16 New logo for Geant4 Youtube account
Some ideas Laurent Garnier - OSUR / Geant4 Collaboration Meeting - 12 Sept Ferrara

17 New logo for Geant4 Youtube account
Some ideas Laurent Garnier - OSUR / Geant4 Collaboration Meeting - 12 Sept Ferrara

18 Questions ? Laurent Garnier - OSUR / Geant4 Collaboration Meeting - 12 Sept Ferrara

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