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Qualitative methods in health equity research

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Presentation on theme: "Qualitative methods in health equity research"— Presentation transcript:

1 Qualitative methods in health equity research
Arima Mishra, Azim Premji University, Bangalore Pre-conference workshop on “Cutting Edge Research on health inequities: Concepts and Methods”, 7 July 2016

2 Focus on…. Why a qualitative mode of enquiry
What such an enquiry entails Implications on research process

3 1- Research Question Why do poor women delay in seeking care for their sick children in rural Tanzania?

4 Beware of Immodest claims of causality!
Why immodest? Misleading Tendency to blame the victim Assumes the given categories Naturalizes outcomes Exaggerates individual agency Distracts attention from social forces/processes Process of ‘othering’ (*Paul Farmer 1999)

5 ‘Social fault line’ How we respond to practices and outcomes of inequities Role of researchers

6 Framing matters Do health systems delay the treatment of poor children in rural Tanzania? Social locations Role of actors/social forces Processes of exclusion Unfavorable health outcome How do social forces act on unequally positioned individuals/groups creating and reinforcing inequitable health outcomes?

7 Sites What are the methodological sites to answer if and how health systems delay the treatment of poor children? How does one go about capturing these sites?

8 Inequities in practice
Complex Subtle/invisible Everyday practices Lived experiences Multiple sites

9 Methodological sites Clinical encounters at multiple points
(consultations, arrangement of physical and social space, language) Health care journey Lived experiences of care and loss

10 Tools Interviews Observations Case studies
Photo by Damini Sharma, student, APU

11 Technologies of exclusion
Systematic processes of exclusion Communicative practices Confusion over payment No or delayed referral Inefficient organization of services How these impacted on structural locations of gender, rural, women, children and poverty Pathways are complex – far from linear

12 Key takeaways Framing research questions
Sensitive to the study of everyday practices and mechanism of inequities Explore deeper methodological engagement through studying multiple sites; qualitative methods help Reflective and critical thinking ….

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