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CGSM MSI, MSP, and Riometer Arrays

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1 CGSM MSI, MSP, and Riometer Arrays
E. Donovan, B. Jackel, E. Spanswick, T. Trondsen, T. Jayachandran, M. Connors, Don Danskin, D. Boteler, L. Cogger, G. Baker, T. Aslaksen, A. Weatherwax, J. Wild, S. Marple, D. Knudsen, K. McWilliams, G. Sofko, F. Fenrich, M. Syrjäsuo, N. Partamies, I. Voronkov, E. Zesta, and J. Kelley.

2 In the broadest sense, everything we do is predicated on and afforded by our unique arctic and sub-arctic geography. Auroral Zone

3 Narrowing in a bit, our science plan hinges on (1) the fact that the spatio-temporal distribution of the aurora depends on wavelength in a way that conveys information about the physics of the aurora and geospace dynamics.

4 MSI Array

5 5 MSI Array

6 Dense Array

7 Student Riometer Project

8 MSP Refurb

9 NORSTAR Related CFIs Connors-led AUGO Phase II Relocate AUGO to an optically better location New and better building New MSI (redeploy existing MSI elsewhere) Proton Auroral MSP to be located at AUGO RISR-C CFI Three MSIs to be located at Resolute Bay, Cambridge Bay, and TBD PolarDARN with FoV over Resolute Bay

10 Rainbow Deployment in Fort Smith (camera owned by B. Jackel
Improved colour conversion (integrated onsite) – IDL & C code Near-RT 256x256 colour data (cadence dependent on bandwidth) Near-RT, full resolution colour mosaics Comparison of colour channels with narrow band imagers (5577,6300,4287) Working with CSA on EPO camera for YKNF megapixels,45second data, full colour

11 MSI Calibration Calibration of ALL MSI/NASCAM cameras (fall 2009) as part of the imager rearrangement. We are creating a calibration dataset (similar to the “skymaps” used for mapping) and tools for distributing calibrated brightness values.

12 Skymaps & Mosaics We are creating a dataset of “skymaps” (pointing information) which will contain the geographic latitude and longitudes as a function of height (and time!!) for all the NORSTAR cameras. We have a set of IDL tools that have been tested and distributed (on request) for creating mosaics from the NASCAM data (we are working on rainbow...but there are IDL issues). By this fall – NASCAM cameras will be returning RT data similar to themis/rainbow Themis style mosaics will be available (1) in 5577,6300,4278, and full colour (2) higher spatial resolution than themis (near full res0 (3) in near real-time




16 Upcoming Conference AGU Chapman Conference on “Relationship between Auroral Phenomenology and Magnetospheric Processes” Fairbanks, Alaska, USA - February 27th through March 4th, 2011 Conveners Andreas Keiling and Eric Donovan Program Committee Lummerzheim, Knudsen, Marklund, Angelopoulos, Hirahara, Kauristie, Bagenal, and Rankin Conference Objectives and General Description The aurora is a permanent and dynamic phenomenon in the upper atmospheres of Earth and other planets with intrinsic magnetic fields. Some of the most interesting and pressing questions in space physics relate to the origin of auroral structure and dynamics, and the nature of acceleration and pitch angle scattering in the case of discrete and diffuse aurora, respectively. Over the last decade, there has been an explosion of in situ magnetospheric, and ionospheric observations, as well as auroral imaging. These new data, together with recent advances in both simulation and theory, offer our field the opportunity for significant advances in all aspects of auroral science, particularly in making connections between physical processes in the magnetosphere and auroral structure and dynamics. The conference will provide an opportunity to present the latest results from analyses of experimental data (including space-borne, ground-based and co-ordinated data), simulation and theory, addressing various aspects of the aurora, in order to connect our knowledge of auroral morphology and mechanisms to candidate physical processes in the magnetosphere capable of powering and structuring the aurora on Earth and other planets. Our intention is to stimulate productive discussions among scientists specializing in all areas of auroral research and work towards a comprehensive view encompassing auroral phenomenology on Earth and other planets.

17 Extra Slide 06c

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