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Kids Ask for Light in ‘Best Ever’ Anti-Smoking Ad

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Presentation on theme: "Kids Ask for Light in ‘Best Ever’ Anti-Smoking Ad"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kids Ask for Light in ‘Best Ever’ Anti-Smoking Ad
Kaitlyn Cacabelos Leonard Massey Karla Armendariz Marisol Soto

2 Author PSA created by the Thai Health Promotion Foundation
Promotes the well being of the people of Thailand Purpose of PSA is to encourage Thailand residents to quit smoking

3 Audience Smoking residents of Thailand
Audience extends to all smokers Reaches the targeted audience by presenting the dangers of smoking Does not target non-smokers

4 The Larger Conversation
Thai Health Promotion Foundation create a PSA to help citizens quit smoking. There are too many people, (specifically in Thailand), who smoke. They should care for themselves the way they care for children who wish to smoke. What is the larger conversation? In other words, what in our society, culture, or community might have prompted the author(s) to create this video?

5 Claim/Argument People who smoke should be concerned for themselves.
A note given to the adults offers a way to help them quit smoking. What is the main claim or argument?

6 Expectations Entertaining Relatable Dynamic

7 Rhetorical Appeals Appeal to Ethos
at the end of the video the credibility is established when the kids hand the adults the paper with a phone number for help at the end the PSA reveals which foundation they are with “ThaiHealth”-decrease the amount of smokers not just in Thailand but everywhere.

8 Rhetorical Appeals Interesting approach is the fact that the video uses the actual smokers as a way to establish credibility The viewers realize that the negative health effects that cigarettes come with are public knowledge and they realize that they know all this information themselves

9 Rhetorical Appeals Appeal to Pathos Most evident in the entire video
Small children asking for a lighter to smoke a cigarette Kids show confidence as if they have always smoked Adults are surprised and shocked by what they are asking

10 Rhetorical Appeals Adults quickly begin to talk about the negative effects of smoking Viewer is able to see that the adults know what they are doing is bad Hypocrisy Adults themselves are smoking yet tell kids not to They know the cigarettes are damaging to their bodies

11 Rhetorical Appeals Kids make the adults think about what they are doing to their bodies At the end the paper saying “you worry about me, but why not yourself” Adults reflect on their actions

12 Rhetorical Appeals Appeal to Logos
Kids make the adults think about all the negative effects of smoking Use the actual smoker as a way to appeal to the information that the smoker have Smoker and viewer are able to see that they know it is bad for them

13 Style and Tone Somber Made evident by music
Kids staring into the camera at the end Heartwarming People caring about one another Sense of community this style would be appealing to the target audience

14 Conclusion Overall ThaiHealth’s use of rhetoric was very effective in getting their point across. use of pathos was extremely effective in allowing the viewer and smoker to see realize that they know smoking is bad yet still allow themselves or others to do it. credibility is establish and never broken

15 Conclusion We learned that there is always a specific reason as to why certain authors use more of one rhetorical appeal than the other.

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