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Explanations/ Definition Logic or General Knowledge

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Presentation on theme: "Explanations/ Definition Logic or General Knowledge"— Presentation transcript:

1 Explanations/ Definition Logic or General Knowledge
Types of Context Clues Examples/ Illustration Explanations/ Definition Root Words and Affixes Logic or General Knowledge Antonyms/Contrast Synonyms/ Restatement Grammar

2 Examples/Illustration
Some sentences will provide an example or a diagram of an unfamiliar word. Projectiles include those items that are shot forward such as a cannon shell, bullet or rocket. Glitter, diamonds, and the stars are all iridescent.

3 Explanation/Definition
Some sentences will give an explanation or definition of the unfamiliar word. The tornado annihilated the whole town to the point that nothing was left standing. An evanescent ring surrounded the moon as it rose. It was there for a moment, and then it disappeared.

4 Grammar Some sentences will use the word’s function or part of speech to figure out the word. Most spiders molt five to ten times. Note: molt is a verb because it tells something that spiders do.

5 Antonym/Contrast Some sentences will contrast the unfamiliar word to something familiar. Brad made a cursory effort to finish his homework. This was unlike him; he usually worked hard to finish before dinner. We were all pretty apathetic in the movie about animals, but we became interested when it started showing all the tricks dogs can do.

6 Logic or General Knowledge
The meaning is obtained from experience and background knowledge, or common sense/ logic. My sister ends every text with LOL, it annoys me. That girl is my bae, I really like her.

7 Synonyms/Restatement
Some sentences will give synonym, or word that means the same, along with an unfamiliar word. Jackie was filled with mortification, or shame, because of her careless remark. There was crazy pandemonium as people were trying to leave the rock concert.

8 Root Words/ Affixes (prefix/suffix)
Knowing the meaning of root words and affixes can help to define a new word. People who are terrified of spiders have arachnophobia. The jury gave the verdict of not guilty. Note: phobia is a root that means fear and dict is a root that means “to speak”

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