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How are words like Paint?

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Presentation on theme: "How are words like Paint?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How are words like Paint?
When you combine and add, you get something new.

2 Key Questions What are root words? What are affixes? Suffixes?

3 archeologist bicycle fixable unfriendliness overeat inventor

4 Think of some words with these prefixes…
Dis- In- Non- Post- Pre- Un- Re- Not Not; without After Before Not; no again

5 Think of some words with these suffixes…
-er -est -ion or –tion -ment -ous -ful Person Most More The state of Act of doing The qualities of; to have Full of

6 Just to review… How to roots and affixes help you understand words better?

7 Key Questions What are root words? What are affixes? Suffixes?

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