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Presentation on theme: "5 KEYS TO HIRING SUCCESS! CHOOSE WINNERS!."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ready, Fire, Aim From the Book of Proverbs: “Like an archer who wounds at random, is he who hires a fool or any passerby.” (26:10)

3 The First Key Mission Vision Purpose Core Values

4 Mission Statement If you are not totally committed to your mission, how do you expect to hire the right people? Your mission statement is the foundation of your hiring system. No mission statement? Don’t hire anyone!

5 Your Vision Top performers are seeking companies who have a clear mission and vision. Share it with them. Mission clarifies what and who, while Vision adds the why and how. Vision focuses on potential inherent in the company’s future. If you don’t know where you are going, any path will get you there.

6 Your Purpose Purpose - the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. Having a sense of purpose inspires us to higher levels of achievement - it gives us drive! Rick Warren: “What on earth am I here for?” So, what is your driving purpose?

7 Core Values As a company you have to define and then live your core values. This is the “fit and match” in the hiring process, the determination of cultural fit for your company. Don’t have them? Get busy. Without them, don’t hire anyone.

8 Dynamit Core Values Drive Growth Accountability Community
Client Centric Do the Right Thing

9 The Second Key A hiring process, a hiring system.
Must be part of company policy. Without it, don’t hire anyone.


11 The Third Key Generally, the cost of a hiring mistake is 3 x the employee’s annual salary. Training is not optional. What do managers need to know about hiring?

12 Managers Need to Know Hiring is a discovery process.
Hiring has a direct impact on the bottom line. Hiring is an important management activity. Hiring right takes time, but less time than having high turnover.

13 Defining the position. WHO WHAT TICKET

14 Interviewing Preparation. Telephone Screening
Skill testing (Situational Activity) In-person interviewing

15 The Fourth Key Who are the stakeholders? How will you involve them?
Involvement will create a sense of ownership for the new team member.

16 The Stakeholders Position Specifications Team Interviews
Interview Day Guides Situational Leadership

17 The Fifth Key Welcome Aboard! It begins…

18 The New Hire On-boarding (new employee orientation) Buddy System
Training and cultural awareness Job description with clear metrics Weekly Touch Base/One-to-One w/supervisor

19 Summary Hire slow - fire fast! Desperation hiring = 100% failure!
Mis-hires are expensive: 3 x AC! Must have a hiring system - in policy! Fit & Match with culture - 90% factor!

20 Summary Train your managers - no option here!
Involve your stakeholders! Check references & backgrounds! Orientation (on-boarding) not optional! Evaluate: clear expectations & metrics! Train - Coach - Mentor!


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