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Presentation on theme: "Israel/Palestine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Israel/Palestine


3 Zionism (552-3) Jewish nationalist movement
Desire to create a Jewish state UN mandated partition of Jerusalem Israel declared an independent state in 1948 Surrounding Arab countries invaded Israel Israeli victory No Palestinian state Refugee crisis

4 Cease Fire (558) Six-Day War – 1967 Yom Kippur War – 1973
Egypt felt threatened by UN troops Israel feared Egyptian invasion Pre-emptive strikes took out Arab air forces Yom Kippur War – 1973 Surprise attack by Egypt and Syria US aid to Israel OPEC oil embargo

5 Peace (558-9) Camp David Accords traded land for international recognition – 1978 Creation of the PLO with the desire to destroy Israel and create a Palestinian state Guerilla warfare and invasion of disputed border territory Israel built settlements in Gaza and West Bank Intifada to rebel against Israel – 1987

6 Modern Tensions (559) Oslo Accords were signed to give PLO governance over Gaza and West Bank – 1993 Creation of Hamas in Gaza more militant than PLO – 1995 Israel began to pull settlers out of Palestinian territories – 2005 Hamas won elections in Palestinian territories Israel began to rebuild more settlements


8 Israel Passport Who = Zionists, Arabs, Palestinians, Egypt, UN PLO, Hamas, Fatah, What = Jewish State, Palestine, UN partition, Camp David Accords, Oslo Accords When = 1948, 1967, 1973, 1993 Why = Homeland, protection, freedom, religion, race, symbolism

9 OPEC World of Wealth World at War
World of Wealth World at War

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