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Forward Shower Counters FSC in CMS
What: We will install a set of scintillation counters around both outgoing warm, accessible beam pipes at CMS, ~ 60 m – 90 m They detect showers produced by v. forward particles in pipe + Very simple, low tech: 8 PMTs on each side in 4 pairs. 35mm PMT Between 2 MBX magnets 25 cm x 25 cm scint. Schematic of counter pair. Cut-out depends on location Four locations: z (m) = 59.2, 79.1, 88.5 m + (maybe) 22 m
tagging source of PKAM* events
Simulations by Steffen Muller FSC can be very good at tagging source of PKAM* events *Previously known as Monster. Beam Gas Inelastic Beam Halo Beam Gas Elastic Origin and contributions of beam- induced backgrounds at BCM1F, mostly BGI (vacuum quality!) Peaks ~ residual gas or TCT: BH + BGE lost on TCT (150m) Possible initial location before Q1 (z ~ 22 m) to help this issue.
Physics, especially diffractive in no-PileUp interactions
(a) As veto in Level 1 diff. triggers to reduce useless pile-up events. (b) To detect rapidity gaps in diffractive events. (c) Measure low mass diffraction and double pomeron exchange. (d) Measure σINEL (if luminosity known, e.g. by Van der Meer) (e) Help establish exclusivity in central exclusive channels (f) To monitor beam halo on incoming and outgoing beams. (g) To test forward flux simulations (MARS etc.) (h) Additional Luminosity monitor. (i) Info on radiation environment for future (?) proton spectrometers Beam monitoring etc, parallel uses:
2009 JINST 4 P10001 FSC Do not see primary particles, but showers in pipe and other material. Simulations of 10 stations (in z) … we propose 4 most effective.
IP5 1A,B 2A,B 3A,B Incoming protons Outgoing protons
LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! 59.32m 71.90 m after 3rd MBX/6 4.250 m IP5 MBXW 1A,B 2A,B SIDE VIEW 6th MBX magnet 88.55 m 50 m straight section 25 cm diameter pipe Incoming protons Same pipe 3A,B Outgoing protons MBX magnets separate incoming and outgoing beams & ANYWHERE 127.5 or m ? or 22 m before TAS
Bunches spaced by 50 ns = 15 m dt = 3.33 ns x z(mod 15m) e.g.
z = 59.3 m dt = 2.3 ns z = 71.9 m dt = 10.3 ns z = 88.6 m dt = 4.6 ns Z1, bunches Simultaneous As at z = 0 time Z2, bunches separated in t z
Some CDF Beam Shower Counters BSC experience
Zero-bias data: No tracks or Central Calo cf Events with tracks + vertex CDF Preliminary CDF Preliminary For no-interaction. (no tracks, calos clean) max ADC count in 4 PMTs of BSC < |η| < 5.9. Interaction plots require also hit in adjacent PMTs. BSC3 behind separation dipole, 6.7 < |η| < 7.4 When one of a pair has signal, so does the other (showers!) 4 CDF PRL’s depended on these counters (so far)
CMS NOTE-2010/015 Approved by CMS MB for Jan-Feb 2011 installation.
“Limited approval” : Go ahead without detracting from necessary shutdown work. Most value is 2011 running & when <n/x> < ~ 5 (Do not expect to use > 2012)
Using HF as Rapidity Gap detector / noise levels.
Nicolas Schul Signal-Noise separation in calorimeters: Hottest PMT in regions: 0-bias with tracks 0-bias with no tracks Unpaired bunches Zoom in (later data) Single collisions (no-PU) with HF gap HF veto very effective at killing PU and most inelastic collisions. 99% of 0-bias no-track events have no HF channel > 4.2 GeV
We already have exclusive μ+μ- and π+π- candidates
Efficiency for FSC detecting forward particles, GEANT (Lamsa, Orava):
Low : > 20% for > 9.0, > 60% for 9.5 < < 11.5 N.B. Single particle efficiencies. For p* p π π (e.g.) combine the effiencies for ε(p*) π+ π0 FSC efficiencies vs η at pT = 0.5 GeV/c (p & n dominate) CMS (& ATLAS) currently blind between η = 6.4 (CASTOR) and beam rapidity (yp = 7 TeV) except ZDC (neutrals). Cannot distinguish most diffractive/non-diffractive events.
Efficiency SDE vs Mass:
FSC & others FSC alone ZDC alone 10 GeV Generated diffractive mass (PYTHIA/PHOJET) as log(MX), MX in GeV/c2, cf to calculated from rapidity gap edge: (a) full η coverage (b) η < 4.7 (no FSC) Below 10 GeV/c2 FSC contain most particles >4 hits in FSC or > 1 track in HF or CASTOR or ZDC(min)
Efficiency for detecting low mass single diffraction
No pile-up, rest of CMS empty (= noise), with signals in ZDC, or [HF or CASTOR], or FSC (>4 hits) Unique to CMS+FSC
Central events (0-bias trigger) with forward rap-gaps
(FSC, ZDC, CASTOR, HF) studied for generic Double Pomeron Exchange processes (~ 10 μb) Low mass DPE: HF VETO HF VETO FSC hits FSC hits y CENTRAL STATE Even without seeing quasi-elastic protons, gaps >~ 4 units select D IP E
What about total inelastic cross section σINEL? Direct measurement.
σTOT if you know σEL ? (& vice versa!) Can measure rate of totally empty events, P(0), in 0-bias trigger Without FSC we miss the low mass diffraction that give hits only with |η| >~ 6, or M <~ 5 GeV/c2 This is several mb! With FSC, P(0) only faked by events with all particles in cracks (can study with fake cracks) or inefficient regions (small); and inefficient because of noise (we can study with data). FSC fills 2 large cracks: 7.5 <~ |η| < ~ 9.5 Check independence on beam conditions, luminosity, … η a poor variable here!
What is the Effective Lumi (No-PU, single interactions) vs Luminosity?
How small cross sections can we study without pile-up? For simplicity, take L flat for 10 hours (~ true day) Integrated L=1 per day A possible 2011 scenario: 1 month = 25 stores averaging 10 hours flat L, σinel = 80 mb 105 s-1 1 kHz Total delivered 5.6/fb Total Leff (no PU) 180/pb pb σ OK Typical GXG σ ~ 10 μb ~ 10-4 σinel L1 Rate ~ 100 Hz [1,2] Hz [8,9] L = 2.5 x 1033 cm-2s-1
Other scenarios (e.g. from Trigger Review):
cf recent situation Say 4 months of each of these: Total delivered luminosity = 4 x x 900 = 5.4/fb Single interaction (no PU) luminosity = 4 x x 28 = 200/pb This is same as previous slide “guess”. Note : When <n/x> <~ 5 it is still useful. When <n/x> >~ 6 even at the end of a store it is not.
χb0 Does FSC have anything to do with possible future HPS ?
(High Precision Spectrometers for p + p p + X + p; X = H, W+W-, etc.)? Indirectly YES, improving measurements of related processes t b q γ Jet H χb0 SMH(130) σ ~ 3 fb Needs high L and HPS (not FSC!) See next slide Level 1 triggers: GAP-μμ-GAP GAP-2EM-GAP GAP-2JET-GAP
Also measured excl: μ+μ-, J/ψ, ψ(2S), Υ, χc
Central Exclusive Studies in CDF : requiring all detectors empty, incl. BSC except signal itself. IP + IP → γ + γ M(γγ) up to 20 GeV Also measured excl: μ+μ-, J/ψ, ψ(2S), Υ, χc QED γγ→e+e- M(ee) up to 75 GeV/c2 IP + IP → Jet + Jet
Measurement of Exclusive DiJets
Prediction of ExHuME: 14 TeV, |η| <~ 3 Scaling down by ~ 10 for 7 TeV, |η| < 2.5 : pb Integral 110 – 140 GeV = 40 pb {gg}, 3.5 fb {bb} = {gg} events in 500/pb & ~ 2 {bb} events Thanks A.Pilkington, V.A.Khoze We can check these predictions, spectra and light quark suppression, angular distributions, b-tagging … Exclusive dijets are only gg or 10-4) ; b+g is forbidden. ~ All b’s come from gluon splitting. Hence small background to Tevatron observations: CDF and D0 each have a few exclusive JJ events > 100 GeV
γγ → e+e-, μ+μ-,τ+τ- (?), W+W-
Two Photon Processes γγ → e+e-, μ+μ-,τ+τ- (?), W+W- Observed in CDF (using BSC) γγ → μμ cross section very well-known, proposed as luminosity calibration But did one or both protons dissociate? Different cross section. FSC can measure dissociation probability and check factorisation. How does pT(μμ) depend on dissociation or not? Undissociated p’s : momenta very well known (beam spread): Calibration of forward proton spectrometers (HPS).
CDF search for exclusive Z (BSM if seen)
12 candidates M(l+l-) > 40 GeV/c2 without using BSC. 4 events have BSC hits (all >= 2) killing Z candidate. (Still possible Z photoproduction + p-dissociation, but only 1 event!) pT(e+e-) = 2.44 GeV/c M(e+e-) = 92.1 GeV/c2 CDF II Preliminary π – Δφ (rad) 1o pT(l+l-) < 1.14 GeV/c We have exclusive dilepton candidates in CMS, but are they “elastic” (no p-dissociation)?
Schedule: By end Winter shutdown, mid Feb, have all infrastructure installed (esp. Stands, cables, DAQ) and either all counters, or many … any remaining can then be installed in short (day) accesses. Commissioning & add to triggers only when all good
Physics, especially diffractive in no-PileUp interactions
SUMMARY We propose to install a set of scintillation counters around both outgoing beam pipes at CMS, ~ 60m – 100 m Physics, especially diffractive in no-PileUp interactions (a) As veto in Level 1 diff. triggers to reduce useless pile-up events. (b) To detect rapidity gaps in diffractive events (p or no-p). (c) Measure low mass diffraction and double pomeron exchange. (d) Measure σINEL (if luminosity known, e.g. by Van der Meer) (e) Help establish exclusivity in central exclusive channels (f) To monitor beam halo on incoming and outgoing beams. (g) To test forward flux simulations (MARS etc.) (h) Additional Luminosity monitor. (i) Info on radiation environment for future (?) proton spectrometers Beam monitoring etc, parallel uses: MORE PHYSICS LOW COST *Subject to support approval by LHC ZERO RISK*
Back Ups
Technical Implementation
Scintillator paddles + light guides from INFN,Trieste (Penzo), cut, wrapped, tested PMTs + bases, shields available from Fermilab. Counter assembly + tests (light leaks, noise, source) at CERN, Dec+Jan. Stands (standard LHC) + cables (16 HV + signal) : CERN- EN-MEF (A.Ball), Jan. Signals split: (a) BSC clone LHC ops (b) ADC +{ Disc L1 trigger} 4 LVDS inputs to L1 trigger (each is OR of 4 PMTs) (ZDC) ~ Adding 6 channels to ZDC / HF readout As & HF Commission with collisions Simulate L1 triggers, Rates(L,n) Test with collisions Test HLT offline Implement [VETO+]*[VETO-]*[VETO-HF] [2EM.OR.2μ.OR.JJ] [+]*[-]*[VETO-HF] … etc. HLT: Track count or central calo limits etc. E.g.
Beam line IP5 ZDC (< 140 m) … used in MARS simulations
z-locations (not sizes!) FSC 1-4
Implementation Only 16 PMT channels! People : Hardware:
Martin Gastal , Gabor Veres… CERN M.G.Albrow (contact person) Fermilab A.Penzo INFN Trieste P.Debbins, E.Norbeck, Y.Onel, I.Schmidt Univ.Iowa O.Grachov, M.Murray Kansas Univ. Arno Heister A.N. Others showed interest (co-authors of note) Hardware: Scintillation counter paddles, light guides, cut, polished, wrapped, tested. Several already tested in test beam and at CERN. INFN Trieste Photomultipliers, housings, bases Fermilab Stands, installation in tunnel CERN (EN-MEF) Cables (HV+Signal), purchase, laid in tunnel to USC CERN (EN-MEF) Signals split BRM + CMS and BRM electronics CERN (EM-MEF) DAQ (CMS): Trigger and ADCs (As ZDC, HF) U.Iowa + Kansas U. Software and monitoring CMS DAQ side: U.Iowa + Kansas + BRM side: CERN Only 16 PMT channels!
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