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Communications and Knowledge Training on the FoodTrade ESA Knowledge Hub Joram Kibigo – Knowledge Management Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "Communications and Knowledge Training on the FoodTrade ESA Knowledge Hub Joram Kibigo – Knowledge Management Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communications and Knowledge Training on the FoodTrade ESA Knowledge Hub
Joram Kibigo – Knowledge Management Officer

2 The FoodTrade ESA Knowledge Hub

3 About the Knowledge Hub

4 Knowledge Hub Tabs 1. Home – FoodTrade ESA Knowledge Hub landing page.
2. About – Brief description of the hub and its objectives. 3. Knowledge Resources – Section for sharing programme resources. Categorised into three: Programme Resources – Host content of the programme activities i.e presentations, programme docs, press release etc. b) Case Studies and Success Stories – Sharing programme achievements, successes and outcome level stories on the implementation of the FoodTrade ESA Programme. c) Gallery – Sharing programme multimedia content. Divided into: Pictures – Anchors all the programme images and pictures gathered during programme activities on the FoodTrade Flickr Acc. Videos – Anchors all the programme video content gathered during the programme activities on the FoodTrade YouTube channel.

5 Knowledge Hub Tabs Cont….
4. News – Share the programme news items including; Media Articles - (Both print and audio-visual) Published by media practitioners on Social media platforms and websites through links Newsletter Updates – Where bimonthly and monthly newsletters are hosted. 5. Events – Provide details on programme events; Date of the event, event convener , location of the event and a brief description of the event and its objectives. 6. Forum – This is the information exchange platform that allows for interaction and engagements amongst grantees, stakeholders and other users 7. Contacts – Provide details for Comms and Knowledge Unit who manages the platform/ website.

6 Knowledge Hub – Forum

7 Knowledge Hub – Forum Why the forum:
Interaction platform for grantees/ stakeholders and other users. Exchange of materials and content amongst users. Inform policy dialogues (generated from user interactions) Inform publication of expert technical columns. Eligibility to the forum All users are required to sign up to access and interact on the forum.

8 Forum Users Administrator - (Diana and Joram) Have full access including rights to moderate all interactions amongst users. Members – (All staff) Champions of the Knowledge hub with privileges to create topics and posts and comments. They have standard access privileges Guests – Page users and first time guest. Can only view and navigate the forum. Have no rights to leave comments or initiate conversations. NB: Only forum members and moderators (admin) are able to post comments, initiate topics, and exchange content on the hub.

9 FAQ – How do you become a member..?
Enter forum Register Build your Profile Update Password Log in as member From the knowledge Hub home page, click enter forum (Menu bar) At the top right of the forum, fill your details on the pop up form Provide information as member; upload avatar, and a short description about you Change your password to what you can easily remember …pretty straight forward huh…

10 Questions..

11 Thank You

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