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Raleigh Park Key habitats – Fen, Limestone grassland, scrub, woodland.

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Presentation on theme: "Raleigh Park Key habitats – Fen, Limestone grassland, scrub, woodland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Raleigh Park Key habitats – Fen, Limestone grassland, scrub, woodland.
Why Raleigh Park? Key habitats – Fen, Limestone grassland, scrub, woodland. Connectivity History Active Friends of Group Opportunities to engage with local community Key Habitats which fit with principles of Wild Oxford and focus of Oxford City Council historical significance in local setting – OPT view cones, connected to oxfords water supply history Part of Oxford Heights West Conservation Target Area and also a Local Wildlife Site Close to large population of interested people who care about the site

2 Raleigh Park What’s planned? Use of Colin Hayes maps for signage.
Improved grazing NEW INTERPRETATION – using Colin Hayes incredibly detailed maps we will create new interpretation panels for the park so that people can learn and enjoy while they walk around. IMPROVED GRAZING – We plan to put in better stock handling facilities so that it is easier for cattle to be put on to the park and it is more attractive to potential graziers. NEW BENCHES – The fallen “great oak” has been milled and new benches will be installed on the site using the wood. IMPROVED ACCESS – new gates will be installed (where needed) and new steps and paths will help people to use the site year round. Improved access Gates Paths and steps New Interpretation and viewpoint! New benches

3 Raleigh Park What’s happened so far? OPT ”View Cones”
Habitat improvements Improved grazing Survey work by Judy Webb SURVEY WORK – Judy Webb who has done important survey work on all Wild Oxford sites has been enlisted to do full habitat/species surveys at Raleigh Park in the first year we have seen notable improvements to the wetland areas. Judy has just recorded over 40 species plants in the Raleigh Park Fen which makes it more diverse than any of the Wild Oxford sites (in improvement areas). The reports will be available for all to view in the autumn this year. SRUB AND GRASSLAND – you may have seen Oxford City Council rangers working hard to remove scrub and cut grassland areas over the last year, this has led to much improved areas for public access, this cutting will continue in the next year to improve biodiversity this will be complimented by cattle grazing also. HABITAT IMPROVEMENTS – friends of raleigh park and wild oxford volunteers have been working hard to improve the important wetland habitat and also working to keep paths clear of bramble and access open. Friends of Raleigh Park and Wild Oxford Volunteers work on wetland Scrub and grassland management New benches

4 Raleigh Park Year 1 Clive Smith’s bird boxes a success
New steps have been installed near to the wetland to divert people away from the wet path. We will monitor the flow of water around the steps during the winter and try and divert the water to the wetland once we know how it works, there is also options for building a small raised boardwalk if this is more appropriate. Clive Smith and Stephen Miller installed 15 nest boxes this year and the Stephen Miller monitored them over the breeding season. 9 boxes were inhabited and a total of 50 chicks fledge, all of which were blue tits. Clive Smith’s bird boxes a success New steps installed to divert wet path.

5 Raleigh Park How can you help?
Volunteer for practical conservation days Get out there and enjoy the site with your families Help us with species surveys Habitat improvements Improved grazing Join The Friends of Raleigh Park or get your neighbours to.. Tell us what you think – how can we make Raleigh Park better? Survey work by Judy Webb Promote the site using social media #WildOxford There are many ways you can help us imporve Raleigh Park – the most simple is to GET OUT THERE AND ENJOY IT with your family, friends and dogs You could….HELP US WITH SPECIES SURVEY Come and Volunteer at one of our practical conservation days Help us promote our work using SOCIAL MEDIA You could SHARE YOUR MEMORIES OF THE PARK – TELL US WHY ITS SPECIAL TO YOU Or just Tell us what you think NEEDS IMPROVING…. Share your memories of Raleigh Park Friends of Raleigh Park and Wild Oxford Volunteers work on wetland Help Clive monitor nest boxes Scrub and grassland management New benches

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