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II. Components of Mercantilism

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1 II. Components of Mercantilism
How the English do business in the New World

2 A. Purpose of a colony POLITICAL:
Serve as a foothold (political land claim) in Americas Military installation or buffer against nearby rivals *ECONOMIC: Access port for raw materials and goods Market place for the selling of European-made goods SOCIAL: Dumping ground for radicals, convicts, and undesirables RELIGIOUS: Gateway for spread of Christianity to natives

3 B. Pursuit of profit 1. Joint Stock Company
a. Pool of European investors support a venture (like the founding of a colony) b. Granted a charter; the goal is to make profit c. Each holds a stake as a shareholder d. EX: Virginia Company

4 B. Pursuit of profit (cont.)
2. Plantations Large-scale farms with large labor supply Maximizes production of cash crops

5 B. Pursuit of profit (cont.)
3. Cash Crops a. planted in mass quantities for purpose of sale b. tobacco (New World plant) becomes valued luxury item c. John Rolfe develops profitable technique (learned from Powhatan Indians/possibly from wife Pocahontas) d. Jamestown becomes profitable; immigration increases

6 B. Pursuit of profit (cont.)
4. Labor Slavery of Natives (mostly ineffective due to disease) Slavery of Africans (engaged in by most European nations) -initially an expensive investment -bodies were more adapted to tough conditions -owned as property for life (still short life expectancy) Indentured Servitude (poor European “white” slaves) -usually a temporary agreement (4-7 years) -part-time slavery in exchange for boat passage to NA -could gain own land and start life anew after service

7 Writing Assignment (Short-Constructed Response)
Contrast the three documents you analyzed from Jamestown (Docs A- C), with the 2 documents found on p. 28 and 33. Develop a paragraph response that features a topical sentence (thesis), and supporting sentences that develop your argument(s) with specific examples from the texts.

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