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North American Perspective
Witold Nazarewicz (UTK, ORNL, UWS) Jyväskylä COE Advisory Board Meeting April 23, 2008 The objective of this talk is to give you a flavor of the science of rare isotopes. Naturally, it is impossible to review this broad area of research and applications in 30 minutes. Still, there are several messages I would like you to take away…. Probably the most important one is that nuclear scientists, both experimentalists and theorists, are getting better and better in controlling short-lived nuclei, in particular those that are of importance. The second take-away message is that the exotic femto-systems carry answers to many questions of science, ranging from the Standard Model to the structure of neutron stars. National user facilities Other accelerator facilities
National Academy 2007 RISAC Report
BPA Rare Isotope Science Assessment Committee “Nuclear science is entering a new era of discovery in understanding how nature works at the most basic level and in applying that knowledge in useful ways 2007 NSAC Long Range Plan The Frontiers of Nuclear Science Exciting opportunities in: Nuclear Structure Nuclear Astrophysics Tests of fundamental symmetries with rare-isotopes Scientific Applications
NSAC Rare-Isotope Beam Task Force Report (2007)
ISAC and ISAC-II at TRIUMF, Vancouver (Canada's National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics) ISAC ISOL facility provides both reaccelerated and stopped beams for RIB physics. The driver accelerator is a 500 MeV H- cyclotron, which is capable of producing up to 300 A. The first phase of the project (ISAC-I) is in operation and it uses up to 100 A or 50 kW of beam power on one of two ISOL targets. Construction of a more powerful postaccelerator utilizing superconducting RF accelerator cavities for ISAC-II is underway and scheduled for completion in 2009, which will boost the energy to 6.5 MeV/u for A ≤ In 2006, the ISAC facility delivered more than 4000 hours of RIBs to experiments with isotopes from 19 different elements produced for extended periods, and yields measured for many more. HRIBF at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (DOE User Facility) Radioactive species are produced by intense light-ion beams from the Oak Ridge Isochronous Cyclotron and post-accelerated by the 25-MV tandem electrostatic accelerator. More than 175 isotopes have been accelerated and approximately 30 additional species are available as low-energy (~50 keV) beams. More than 50 post-accelerated beams, including 132Sn, have intensities of at least 106 s-1. The ability of HRIBF to deliver beams of reaccelerated beams of neutron-rich fission fragments at energies above the Coulomb barrier is unique, world-wide. A plan has been developed to improve the RIB production capability by installing a turnkey electron accelerator capable of delivering a 100 kW electron beam, at an energy in the range of 25 to 50 MeV.
NSCL at Michigan State University (NSF User Facility)
The Coupled Cyclotron Facility (CCF) started operation in The in-flight production method allows the CCF to be very flexible. From the facility delivered over 250 different rare-isotope beams; on average 3.5 rare-isotope beams per experiment. Typical beam energies range from 50–120 MeV/u and experiments with beam energies as low as 5 MeV/u have been performed. Experimental setups can utilize beams from very low (10-5s-1) to high intensities (108s-1). The NSCL is implementing full capabilities to perform experiments with reaccelerated beams produced with the gas-stopping technique. This development includes an advanced concept for a cyclotron gas stopper, an EBIT (Electron Beam Ion Trap) charge breeder and, in the initial stage, a reaccelerator up to 3 MeV/u. A further upgrade to 12 MeV/u is possible. When completed it will be the first facility in the world that will have the unique capability of reaccelerated beams produced from in-flight fragmentation. ATLAS at Argonne National Laboratory (DOE User Facility) ATLAS delivers about 5500 research hours per year with high reliability when running seven days per week. Of these, about 1000 hours per year have been radioactive beams in recent years. These radioactive beams are produced employing two distinct approaches: the two-accelerator method and the in-flight technique, and the intensities of these beams vary from about 104s-1 to 6x106s-1 on target. Ongoing upgrades to ATLAS include a project to increase the energy by about 25%, the Californium Rare-Isotope Breeder Upgrade (CARIBU) and an RF beam sweeper to improve rare-isotope beam purity. CARIBU uses fission fragments from a 1-Ci 252Cf source coupled with a gas catcher and charge breeder. Planned upgrades of ATLAS include Super CARIBU that will give about 10 times more beam intensity of radioactive fission-fragment stopped and reaccelerated exotic beams.
Florida State University
Superconducting Accelerator Laboratory is based on a 9 MV FN tandem electrostatic accelerator with a superconducting linac booster. Unique capabilities include an optically pumped polarized 6,7Li source and a sputter source dedicated to 14C beam production. The facility provides in-flight production of radioactive beams with the RESOLUT beamline. University of Notre Dame The FN Tandem Pelletron at Notre Dame is used for radioactive beam, nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics experiments as well as for a program in radiation chemistry. The radioactive beam program at NSL is centered on the TwinSol facility which utilizes two superconducting solenoids to separate radioactive beam products from the primary beam. Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute TAMU's accelerator is a K500 superconducting cyclotron that can produce a wide variety of beams: those with intensities of at least 1 enA range in energy up to 70 MeV/u for light ions and to 12 MeV/u for heavy ions such as U. High-purity secondary beams are produced in the recoil spectrometer MARS via inverse-kinematics reactions. A plan has been developed to upgrade the present facility to one that would yield high quality radioactive beams directly from the K500 superconducting cyclotron. Initial effort will center on production by light-ion (p, d, alpha) reactions, and will employ a configuration based on the existing IGISOL system at Jyväskylä. First reaccelerated beam is expected in 2009. Complementary to these efforts, a number of facilities for stable beams (including 88-inch Cyclotron Lab at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, U. Washington, and A.W. Wright Nuclear Structure Laboratory at Yale University) operate extensive programs in nuclear structure and astrophysics.
ISAC III (three parallel RIBs)
new p-beam line @ ISAC 238U(p,X) Yields Z N
Planned (start 2010, if funded), will have significant higher yield than present ISAC or HIE-ISOLDE with100 kW on target, BUT limited by worst case scenario calculation. Look for alternative with significantly reduced inventory build up! 238U(p,X) Yields Z N
e-driver @ ISAC 132Sn: 1011/s 138Sn: 106/s
Double peak distribution 132Sn: 1011/s 138Sn: 106/s LHg converter with recirculation Photo-fission facility at ISAC. operation planned for 2014 (if funded). HRIBF wants to use commercial e-machine, for 50 kW operation.
High Power Target Laboratory-HPTL: (IRIS2 2009)
HRIBF 2008 25MV Tandem Electrostatic Accelerator Injector for Radioactive Ion Species 1 (IRIS1) Stable Ion Injector (ISIS) Oak Ridge Isochronous Cyclotron (ORIC) Enge Spectrograph Daresbury Recoil Separator (DRS) High Power Target Laboratory-HPTL: (IRIS2 2009) Recoil Mass Spectrometer (RMS) On-Line Test Facility (OLTF)
Conclusions of extensive e-driver studies
An a electron accelerator with a energy >25 MeV and power in the 50 to 200 kW range makes a remarkably cost-effective high-intensity source of rare isotopes This is an upgrade with a strong neutron-rich physics bias (photo-fission based) Can achieve 1013 f/s baseline with ~10kW deposited in UCx target ( kW at MeV) Requires Ee ≥ 25 MeV + optimized converter: Xo (Ee dep.) 3 to 5 times greater than baseline is reasonable expectation This level of yield is competitive with any ISOL facility scheduled to produce n-rich RIBs before FRIB is on line The fact that a 25 MeV facility is feasible increases options Concept supported by HRIBF SPC, and at eRIB07 workshop A low-power e-beam driven facility is being implemented at Orsay
Photo-fission yield HRIBF Post-accelerated
CARIBU - CAlifornium Rare Ion Breeder Upgrade @ ANL
252Cf fission yield is complementary to uranium fission Provides access to unique, important areas of the N/Z plane Significant yield extends into r-process region 238U fission (HRIBF) Accelerated yields are ~5% of these numbers
Increase available beam intensities by a factor of ~10 by: doubling the 252Cf source strength to 2 Ci building a 1+ injector for ATLAS (this is the AEBL post-accelerator injector) considering 254Cf as an alternative for operation a fraction of the time providing space for a significant stopped-beam program TPC : $ 53 M
NSCL Reaccelerator Project
Energy range 300 keV/u –3 MeV/u, upgradable to 12 MeV/u LEBT with multi-harmonic buncher Radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) Superconducting linac 80 MHz l/4 resonators bopt= and bopt= 0.085 Superconducting solenoids for focusing NSCL-RIA design HEBT with rebuncher
Overall Layout showing space for possible equipment
Laser spectroscopy Beam energies of 200 keV/u to 3 MeV/u for astrophysical studies e.g. 30P(p,g)31Si relevance to Si yields from novae: 4x105 30P/s LEBIT MONA K500 ECRs Gas Stopping K1200 A1900 RF separator S800 Capabilities for fast, stopped, and re-accelerated beams ( in 2010)
Re-accelerator status
EBIT charge breeder + Q/A separator Simulations to maximize acceptance, breeding performance ongoing Mechanical design underway Construction of non-critical components started First tests in 2009 LINAC (< 3.2 MeV/u) End-to-end optics design performed RT-RFQ ordered long-lead items ordered, cavity constr. started, refinements of cryostat design Construction of mezzanine for reaccelerator – spring 2008 Commissioning in 2010 Experimental area + equipment Nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics workshops Discussion about equipment for first experiments ongoing - TPC workshop Goal: First reaccelerated beams within < 3 years
Theory Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics
The NSF Physics Frontier Center at the University of Notre Dame, Michigan State University, the University of Chicago, and Argonne National Laboratory Theory Institute for Nuclear Theory (DOE) Seattle, University of Washington
Connections to computational science
Theory Connections to computational science 1Teraflop=1012 flops 1peta=1015 flops (next 2-3 years) 1exa=1018 flops (next 10 years) challenge: utilize leadership class computers
Universal Nuclear Energy Density Functional
Funded (on a competitive basis) by Office of Science ASCR NNSA 15 institutions ~50 researchers physics computer science applied mathematics foreign collaborators annual budget $3M 5 years …unprecedented theoretical effort !
Funding Opportunity Announced for Establishment of U.S.
Facility for Radioactive Ion Beams The Department of Energy's Office of Science/Nuclear Physics Program has posted a draft Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) for the conceptual design and establishment of a U.S. Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB). "We have waited a long time for this step forward and it is gratifying to see our project making progress in these financially difficult times," said Kim Lister and Thomas Glasmacher, co-chairs of the RIA Users Organization Executive Committee Solicitation Description: The Office of Nuclear Physics (NP) of the Office of Science (SC), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), is a research program that proposes to establish a U.S. Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) with forefront scientific research capabilities complimentary to existing or planned facilities world-wide, and to exploit the scientific potential of rare isotope beams as a research tool for discovery-oriented science. This draft Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is being released to solicit comments/questions from potential applicants for the conceptual design and establishment of a FRIB that will meet the criteria described in this FOA. Comments, questions, and responses will be publicly available on IIPS. The proposed FRIB must be capable of mounting a world-class scientific research program at the start of operation, and can be designed, built and commissioned for less than or equal to $550,000,000 in base year (FY 2008) dollars plus escalation. The specifications in the FOA are formed from the recent reports of the Rare Isotope Beam Task Force of the Nuclear Science Advisory Committee and the Rare Isotope Science Assessment Committee (RISAC) of the National Research Council. Funding Opportunity Number: DE-PS02-08ER41535
Radioactive Ion Beam Facilities Timeline
HIE-ISOLDE ISOLDE ISAC-II ISAC-I SPIRAL2 SPIRAL FAIR SIS RIBF RARF NSCL HRIBF In Flight ISOL Fission+Gas Stopping Beam on target FRIB 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Societal Benefits
7 cases (10C,14O,…, 42Sc) measured @CPT/APT (ANL) …stay tuned…
Superallowed Fermi -decay studies (testing the unitarity of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix) with new symmetry-breaking corrections: Q-value Half-life Branching Ratio TRIUMF ( ) T1/2= (22)ms, BR=99.858(8)% (2008) BR=99.967(4)% 34Ar, (2006) T1/2=843.8(4) ms,1.5268(5)s 7 cases (10C,14O,…, 42Sc) (ANL) …stay tuned… Advances in isospin mixing calculations ANL (2005) Q= (40) keV 38mK Jyväskylä (2006) Q= (31) keV (2006) Q= (13), (21) keV (2007) Q= (7), (10) keV
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