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A Rad-Hard Slow Control Network for the CMS Central Tracker

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Presentation on theme: "A Rad-Hard Slow Control Network for the CMS Central Tracker"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Rad-Hard Slow Control Network for the CMS Central Tracker
A. Marchioro, G. Cervelli, F. Faccio, K. Kloukinas, C. Ljuslin, P. Moreira, E. Murer, C. Paillard, F. Vasey CERN-EP

2 Outline Motivations and Requirements Architecture
Network and system components: Token-Ring Network Local Monitoring Timing and Trigger Distribution Network: High level protocol Project Status A. Marchioro / EP

3 Motivations Requirements and Architecture no different from traditional slow control system Merging with timing distribution: unusual ! Commercial rad-hard control components exist, but not suitable for application and expensive Special concern: reliability and SEU robustness Looked at commercial networks: Ethernet Mil1553 CANbus IBM Token-ring JTAG Other Field-buses … Either too complicated, or don’t work in magnetic fields or unsuitable or too expensive, or… A. Marchioro / EP

4 Requirements Must carry data and 40 MHz clock for system synchronization Bi-directional 150m optical + ~10 m copper Compatible with opto-electronics used for data read-out Redundancy Low digital noise Easy interfaces on the FE ASICs ~120,000 FE ASICs, ~20,000 MCMs, ~2,000 controllers, ~200 links, ~50 control boards in Countingroom Low cost (node price < 100 $ ) A. Marchioro / EP

5 Outline Motivations and Requirements Architecture
Network and system components: Token-Ring Network Local Monitoring Timing and Trigger Distribution Network: High level protocol Project Status A. Marchioro / EP

6 CMS Tracker R-O: General Architecture
Det APVs to DAQ A/D Memory I V A/D DCU PLL-Delay Temp FED TTCrx Front-end Module Data Path I2C CLK & T1 Control Path CLK - T1 TTCrx CCU CCU FEC cntrl PCI Intfc CCU CCU FEC Control Module A. Marchioro / EP

7 Logical View of Control Ring
Simple JTAG, i.e. JTAG sequences setup in SW in FEC Channel Specific Protocols I2C MBUS PIO JTAG Channel Controller Channel Controller Channel Controller Channel Controller FEC I2C - MBUS etc. Channels O/E PCI OA Node Controller Node Node CCU_8 CCU_1 Ring Protocol A. Marchioro / EP

8 Full control ring Wires between CCU and FE modules
CLK+T1 1 * diff pair (LVDS) I2C 2 (TTL OC) Alarm 1 (TTL OC) Wires between CCU modules CLK+T1 1 diff pair (LVDS) Data 1 diff pair (LVDS) Reset 1 wire (TTL) ( x 2 for redundancy) FE APV module APVs- PLL Mux-Laser driver CCU module CCU LVDS driver O/E converter Dig. laser driver Dig receiver LVDS driver A. Marchioro / EP

9 “Module Skip” Redundancy
DOut Secondary CCU CCU CCU CCU DIn + Clk Primary DCU DCU DCU DCU CCU A. Marchioro / EP

10 Outline Motivations and Requirements Architecture
Network and system components: Token-Ring Network Local Monitoring Timing and Trigger Distribution Network: High level Project Status A. Marchioro / EP

11 FEC: Front-End Control Board
PCI/PMC Connector PCI Adapter FIFOs XTAL Control Logic TTCrx LVDS Optical Intfc. From TTC net (8 with redundancy) 4-way ribbon A. Marchioro / EP

12 CCU: Communication and Control Unit
Power Control Ext Reset* L1 Trigger Decoder ST1 CLKI(A) Clock Distribution ST2 ST3 CLKI(B) ST4 Tj Counter & other timing logic CLKO(A) Protocol Adapter & Address Decoder DO(A) Link Controller DI(A) CLKO(B) DO(B) I2C Master Intfc. SCL SDA DI(B) Memory Bus Interface PIO 18 x I2C Buses I2C Master Intfc. D[0:7] A[0:7] R/W CS* PDA[0:7] PDB[0:7] Local Bus A. Marchioro / EP

13 CCU-M Cabling With Redundancy
Data In-Port A Data Out-Port A Data In-Port B Data Out-Port B Clk In-Port A Clk In-Port B PLLCKSEL CKOSEL DIn_A DOut_A DIn_B DOut_B ClkIn_A ClkOut_A ClkIn_B ClkOut_B PLL_Clk A. Marchioro / EP

14 Coding of Clock and T1: Two Options
Used CLK T1 CLK+T1 ( ) 25 ns CLK T1 ~ 8 ns ~ 16 ns CLK+T1 A. Marchioro / EP

15 NRZ_I (Invert 1 on Change) Coding
25 ns 1 1 1 1 1 1 “0” : no transitions ( < 3 conseq.) “1” : transition at start of cycle A. Marchioro / EP

16 Hard Reset (i.e. how to get always out of troubles)
Din Reset Din Reset Vref Power-Up reset only must be avoided use long sequence of 1’s (invalid data sequence) in data stream extra comparator in receiver ASIC A. Marchioro / EP

17 4-5 Bit Encoding NRZI decoder 4 to 5 bit NRZI encoder 5 to 4 bit
A. Marchioro / EP

18 Other network components
RX40: a RH 80 MHz BW digital receiver with Automatic Gain Control Laser Driver: a RH Linear driver for analog and digital data preamplifier L.A. B.F. LVDS Tx sf Reset block in reset out PIN diode RX40 Exists already A. Marchioro / EP

19 DCU: Detector Control Unit
Local Monitoring Current Sensing Voltage Monitor Temperatures Bias Generator for Modulator 12 bit A/D Input Mux 8 Inputs SCL SDA Bus Interface Control STM Temp Sensor Control / Status & Data Registers Designed in ¼ mm CMOS ~ 2x2 mm2 I2C Interface < 10 mW 100 msec/conversion A. Marchioro / EP

20 Timing Distribution: PLL-Delay
CLK Delay Lines CLK & T1 extract CLK&T1 PLL T1 I2C Slave Interface I2C_Add (hardwired) SDA SCL A. Marchioro / EP

21 Library for digital designs
Well isolation NMOS enclosed NMOS guard-ring A. Marchioro / EP

22 Digital Library Features
Envisaged Operating Voltage 1001 Elements Ring Oscillator in 0.25 mm Power: V V A. Marchioro / EP

23 Outline Motivations and Requirements Architecture
Network and system components: Token-Ring Network Local Monitoring Timing and Trigger Distribution Network: High level protocol Project Status A. Marchioro / EP

24 LAN Protocol Inspired by Token-Ring
Can work with single master and “simpler” slaves Extensible to any local protocol (I2C. Memory, etc.) Max data rate: 32 Mbit/sec A. Marchioro / EP

25 LAN Protocol (1) Ring-like topology
Circulating token indicates bus available Source node waits for token: Removes token, inserts data packet Packet circulates, passed by all nodes Destination copies packet, sets “S” symbol Packet returns to source, is removed by source Source node inserts new token A. Marchioro / EP

26 LAN Protocol (2) All nodes can generate packets For simplicity:
Only the FEC can perform network supervision Inserts first token Monitors token integrity Receives all data packets from CCUs FEC requires CPU for protocol management A. Marchioro / EP

27 LAN Protocol: Packet Format
Universal SOF Dest Src Length Data CRC EOF Channel Specific Ch# Cmd TR# Addr DW (Example for an I2C byte write) A. Marchioro / EP

28 LAN Protocol (3a): Write Example
Transaction sequence: FEC sends command packet CCU receives packet and sets “S” symbol Command packet returns to FEC CCU directs data portion to channel Channel performs action Channel sends ACK packet to CCU specifying TR# A. Marchioro / EP

29 LAN Protocol (3b): Read Example
Transaction sequence: FEC sends command packet CCU receives packet and sets “S” symbol Command packet returns to FEC CCU directs data portion to channel Channel performs read action Channel sends data back to CCU specifying TR# A. Marchioro / EP

30 LAN Protocol (4): Addressing
CCU Address allocation FEC has address 0x00 Special Broadcast class: 0xf_ Up to 254 CCUs on ring Channel Addressing 0: CCU Node controller 1-15: I2C channels 16-31: memory channels 32-47: PIO channel (e.g. HV switches) 48-63: Event memory controller A. Marchioro / EP

31 Software Architecture
Lynx-OS WinNT Linux ? Features: Multi-User Multi-Task Synchronous (wait for Ack.) User Application 1 User Application N Sync I/O Driver Interrupt Handler Packet Driver PCI-Hardware A. Marchioro / EP

32 Outline Motivations and Requirements Architecture
Network and system components: Token-Ring Network Local Monitoring Timing and Trigger Distribution Network: High level protocol Project Status A. Marchioro / EP

33 Project Status: Hardware
FEC: PCI-PMC version exists using FPGAs CCU: rad-soft, 6 I2C channels, 0.6 mm CMOS version is fully functional Currently being remapped to ¼ mm technology, submission ~ Q1 ‘01 Full ASIC > 250,000 gates PLL: exists and is OK in ¼ mm CMOS DCU: design ready for submission Q1 ‘  RX40: exists in ¼ mm, design OK Laser Driver: rad soft OK, RH submission Q1 ‘00  Cost: components well within requirements A. Marchioro / EP

34 Project Status: Software
You always end up needing more software than you expected Low level routines: OK Partitioning architecture: work started Performance under WinNT: 200,000 I2C transactions/sec (limited by I2C, polling) A. Marchioro / EP

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