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Presentation on theme: "DREAM VISUALIZATION BOARD"— Presentation transcript:


2 INSTRUCTIONS DELETE PAGE STEP #1: On the first page of this template, replace [YOUR NAME HERE] with your own name and then read slides 3 & 4. STEP #2: Replace the pictures / words on the HAVE page with pictures / words that reflect the material and non-material things you want to have in your life. STEP #3: Replace the pictures / words on the DO page with pictures / words that reflect the actions you must take in order to have the things you want in life. STEP #4: Replace the pictures / words on the BE page with pictures / words that reflect the attitudes you need to possess each day in order to DO, or take action. STEP #5: Delete the pages of this template marked DELETE PAGE in the top right corner of the slides, save, and then print and present or present your dream board using your school’s audio visual equipment during your DollarCamp workshop. SUGGESTION: use Google’s image search at to find thumb nail images of pictures that reflect the things you want to have and the actions and attitudes that will get you there. Most thumb nail images can be dragged onto the desktop or copied and pasted onto your dream visualization board. NOTE: pictures and words on the BE, DO, and HAVE dream boards are organized across the three boards according to the important categories of life discussed in Chapter 1 of the DollarCamp Coursebook. See the following pages of this template for a visual example. 2

3 BE / DO / HAVE - THEORY DELETE PAGE As HAVING flows from DOING and DOING flows from BEING, you will have a very clear set of steps that you can think about, refine, and follow to reach goals and achieve a higher level of success. The MAGIC behind the BE / DO / HAVE dream board process is that it will focus your attention on the exciting things you want in the EXTERNAL world. Once you publicly affirm what you want to have, you are committed to the challenging exercise of “connecting down” your EXTERNAL wants and actions to your INTERNAL attitudes, behaviors and beliefs. This exercise will enable you to see where your attitudes and actions are not in alignment with your values and goals. DollarCamp turns the process of “looking into the mirror,” which can be one of the most challenging and difficult things we can do as human beings, into an interesting, exciting and non-confrontational experience. It also creates an environment where you can hold yourself and your peers accountable for disconnects between your attitudes (BE), actions (DO) and goals (HAVE). Once your realize that the things you desire in life grow from your INTERNAL world (BE) to their EXTERNAL world (DO & HAVE); the connection can be temporarily set aside, but it can not be forgotten. It is a realization and process for achieving results that will inform all areas of your life, today and in the future. This system, with practice, will enable meaningful transformative change. 3

4 “Have” Dream Board Page, Chapter 2
FACILITATION DELETE PAGE DollarCamp provides a framework that asks you to be more specific about the attitudes (BE) you must develop and the actions (DO) you must take in order to “build the life of your dreams,” which is another way of saying reach your goals (HAVE). This is accomplished when your build your dream boards according to the DollarCamp Coursebook’s Chapter 2 template, which is done in 3 easy steps: 1) Cut & paste images of the things you want to HAVE in the four life category boxes on the HAVE page, 2) “Drill down” to identify what you must DO in the four life categories in order to HAVE and cut & paste those images on the DO page, 3) “Drill down” to identify how you must BE in the four life categories each day in order to DO and cut & paste those images on the BE page. Build your dream boards backward (HAVE to BE) by starting the process with what you want to HAVE and then live it forward (BE to HAVE) by showing up each day in life how you must BE to reach your goals. Reaching your goals (HAVING) will naturally flow from your attitude (BEING) coming into alignment with your actions (DOING). The simple equation for success in the DollarCamp system is BE + DO = HAVE. *You can use the template provided in Chapter 2 or use a large poster board that is divided into three sections with vertical lines. This will preserve the BE, DO, HAVE format and make the dream board easier to present in class. “Have” Dream Board Page, Chapter 2 4

5 i want to HAVE these things ... (sample images)
Self & Health Personal Relationships Fun & Me Time Professional Life Positive Impact Good Health Lots of Energy Peace of Mind Strong Relationships with Family, Friends and Significant Others Mountain Bike Dog Boat House Salon Investments A Way to Give Back Skills / Knowledge

6 which means, i need to DO these actions ... (sample images)
Self & Health Personal Relationships Fun & Me Time Professional Life Recycle Eat Right Relax Yoga Accept Be There Listen Support Go Out Hike Travel Movies Practice Network Show Up Train / Study

7 which means, i need to BE these attitudes !!! (sample images)
Self & Health Personal Relationships Fun & Me Time Professional Life Strong Committed Growth / Goal Oriented Green Giving Fun Helpful Considerate Resourceful Fearless Prepared A Planner Optimistic Hard Working Organized Skill / Knowledge Seeking


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