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First Aid - Bleeding Major VS Minor.

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Presentation on theme: "First Aid - Bleeding Major VS Minor."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Aid - Bleeding Major VS Minor

2 Major External Bleeding
Uncontrollable bleeding FIRST priority = STOP IT Follow these steps: - Elevate wound above heart - Place clean cloth on wound - Apply pressure - When the bleeding slows, wrap around with rolled gauze * If the cloth becomes soaked with blood, do not remove it, but REAPPLY another gauze pad

3 Minor Bleeding A cut or scrape that can be treated with a bandage
Follow these steps: - Rinse wound with soap and water - Apply anti-septic ointment - Cover with a bandage - Re-apply bandages as necessary * If you don’t clean a wound, pathogens carrying germs can enter the wound and cause infection.

4 Impaled Objects NEVER remove an impaled object from someone’s body
Exceptions: splinters Follow these steps: - Call 9-1-1 - Place clean cloth on and around wound - Apply pressure with rolled gauze

5 Shock Shock can happen when severe bleeding occurs
It is a reduction of blood flow to tissue Signs of shock: Bluish lips Chest pain Cool, clammy skin Confusion Dizziness Sweating Shallow breathing Unconsciousness

6 Shock – What now? Follow these steps for any victim that goes into shock while you are giving care Have victim lay on their back Elevate their legs about 12 inches Cover them with a blanket to keep them warm Do not give them anything to eat or drink Why? Because it might compromise their body temperature and/or put them at risk for choking

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