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How to Present a Business Plan for Approval

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Presentation on theme: "How to Present a Business Plan for Approval"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Present a Business Plan for Approval
APPA Professional Affairs

2 considerations Use electronic format ( /PowerPoint) so information can be easily distributed Is OR PowerPoint the best format? Don’t fill the slide with verbiage BUT the slide must speak for itself Consider the size of the font versus the number of slides

3 CONSIDERATIONS Carefully plan the order of the Courses of Action (COA)
Do you want recommended COA first OR last? Recommend preferred COA listed last Should have between 3-4 COA’s One COA should be to do business as usual. No Change Consider slide transition options for information and slide progression

4 Purpose and Desired Outcome
Clearly but succinctly articulate what you are presenting and why

5 COA #1 State a proposed course of action Pros Cons Costs

6 COA #2 State a proposed course of action Pros Cons Costs

7 COA #3 State a proposed course of action Pros Cons Costs

8 Recommendation Restate briefly reason for recommendation and impact of not implementing State metrics/reporting milestones


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