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Featured Images: Images of students/courses (scrolling)

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Presentation on theme: "Featured Images: Images of students/courses (scrolling)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Featured Images: Images of students/courses (scrolling)
BOA logo Social Networks Twitter Fall Navigation Bar: Home II Broadcast II New Media & Games Design II About us II Contact Us Featured Images: Images of students/courses (scrolling) Images of teaching staff (when clicked on links to individual portfolio) Footer: Sponsors (Brit school, BCU, Maverick TV, Ormiston Trust)

2 Images of students from group
Broadcast Year 10 Images of students from group Curriculum for that year (units) Teaching staff & Individual grade trackers Footer: Sponsors (Brit school, BCU, Maverick TV, Ormiston Trust)

3 Images of students from group
Broadcast Year 11 Images of students from group Curriculum for that year (units) Teaching staff & Individual grade trackers Footer: Sponsors (Brit school, BCU, Maverick TV, Ormiston Trust)

4 Images of students from group
Broadcast Year 12 Images of students from group Curriculum for that year (units) Teaching staff & Individual grade trackers Footer: Sponsors (Brit school, BCU, Maverick TV, Ormiston Trust)

5 Images of students from group
Broadcast Year 13 Images of students from group Curriculum for that year (units) Teaching staff & Individual grade trackers Footer: Sponsors (Brit school, BCU, Maverick TV, Ormiston Trust)

6 Images of students from group
Creative Media year 10 Images of students from group Curriculum for that year (units) Teaching staff & Individual grade trackers Footer: Sponsors (Brit school, BCU, Maverick TV, Ormiston Trust)

7 Images of students from group
Creative Media Year 11 Images of students from group Curriculum for that year (units) Teaching staff & Individual grade trackers Footer: Sponsors (Brit school, BCU, Maverick TV, Ormiston Trust)

8 Images of students from group
New Media Year 12 Images of students from group Curriculum for that year (units) Teaching staff & Individual grade trackers Footer: Sponsors (Brit school, BCU, Maverick TV, Ormiston Trust)

9 Images of students from group
New Media Year 13 Images of students from group Curriculum for that year (units) Teaching staff & Individual grade trackers Footer: Sponsors (Brit school, BCU, Maverick TV, Ormiston Trust)

10 Images of teaching staff (all courses)
About BOA Images of teaching staff (all courses) Course information: New Media II Broadcast Information about BOA: Ethics, rules etc. PDF Downloads of courses Footer: Sponsors (Brit school, BCU, Maverick TV, Ormiston Trust)

11 Footer: Sponsors (Brit school, BCU, Maverick TV, Ormiston Trust)
Contact Us Contact Information for BOA Footer: Sponsors (Brit school, BCU, Maverick TV, Ormiston Trust)

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