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Picture? Societies 102
Key Roles Presidents are the public face of the society and often the first point of contact. They have joint responsibility for the society’s finances and also for calling and chairing both committee and general meetings. Additional training in ‘Leadership’, ‘Managing Meetings’ and Public Speaking & Presentation Skills’ is recommended. Treasurers are primarily responsible the society’s finances, and need to keep track of all money going into and out of its account. They also need to present the society’s accounts at the AGM. Additional training in ‘Leadership’, ‘Commercial Awareness’ and ‘Public Speaking & Presentation Skills’ is recommended. Secretaries are responsible for creating agendas and taking minutes of all meetings, and for communicating with members and the wider community. They are also responsible for ensuring important documentation has been completed, and depending on the number of execs on the committee, many other things besides! Additional training in ‘Leadership’, ‘Managing Meetings’ and ‘Effective Note Taking’ is recommended. Picture?
What do you need to do NOW?
Complete all required DOCUMENTATION Understand the way your basic FINANCES work Get yourselves ready to hold successful EVENTS Find out what RESOURCES are available to help you Picture?
You can view and/or download a model Societies Constitution here.
Your Constitution Re-read your societies constitution – is it well written? Does it communicate your aims clearly and accurately? Are your objectives SMART? Add the names of your three core officers, then send it to plus a copy to the three officers named. Publish it on your web pages at – your members should be aware of what it says. You can view and/or download a model Societies Constitution here.
You can view and/or download a model Societies Code of Conduct here.
Your Code of Conduct In most cases, you will not need to add anything to the model Code of Conduct – it is very comprehensive, and duplicating content ‘for good measure’ can be confusing – but you may want to. If you have internal rules of conduct in specific circumstances, these can be incorporated, and added as an appendix. Add the names of your three core officers, then send it to plus a copy to the three officers named. Publish it on your web pages at – your members should be aware of what it says. You can view and/or download a model Societies Code of Conduct here.
You can download and print the Alcohol Policy Declaration Form here.
Clubs and societies are required to comply with the SU’s Alcohol Policy, and all presidents must sign a declaration acknowledging this. Please make sure that you hand in your declaration at the end of this session. Do not sign if you are not the elected president – we won’t appreciate the headache, and we will check You can download and print the Alcohol Policy Declaration Form here.
Financial Declaration
Presidents and treasurers are jointly responsible for ensuring that societies’ finances and accounts comply with the SU’s Finance Regulations – and because the SU is a registered charity, this is REALLY important. Despite the importance of compliance, it is not difficult – most of it is done for you. As long as all financial transactions are made via your society account, you are unlikely to get in any trouble. Please make sure that both presidents and treasurers sign and return the declaration at the end of this session. You can download and print the Declaration of Financial Responsibility here.
Sample Signatures Only presidents and treasurers may authorise the payment of expenses. Internal procedures mean that we must be able to check that forms have been actually been signed by the people named on the form. Presidents and treasurers should please show your registration card to confirm their identity, and provide a reliable sample signature, on the way out. If we do not have a sample signature for you, or the signature on the form does not match the sample, we will not accept your authorisation. Please arrange a time to come into the office and provide us with a verified sample signature.
*Remember* All your membership income money – membership fee minus VAT – is paid into your budgeted fund. This money can only be spent to achieve your aims & objectives, and must have been specifically approved in your budget. Money left over from last year, plus any money you earn through fundraising, is paid into your non-budgeted fund. This can be spent on anything, as long as it benefits all your members. You can find an explanation of the different accounts on the FAQ page here.
*To calculate VAT just divide by 1.2 *
Societies must pay VAT at a rate of 20% on any income they receive. For example: Membership fee is £ you get £ (84p VAT) Ticket costs £ you get £ (£2.50 VAT) Bake sale raises £ you get £ (£8.33 VAT) The SU will claim back any VAT you pay when you buy goods or pay for travel but only if you ask for a VAT receipt when you pay. Even shops like Tesco are happy to do this but you must ask. It is very important to allow for VAT when calculating your income versus costs, or you may make a loss. *To calculate VAT just divide by 1.2 *
Money In …. Money from web sales – basically, membership and tickets – is paid directly into societies’ accounts. Pay cash – and any cheques - into your society’s account as soon as possible, at SU Reception, by completing a paying-in form. You will receive a receipt, which you should keep. The sum will be credited to your account, though sometimes there is a short delay. Anyone can pay the money in – not just your treasurer, or even executives – so there are no excuses. If you will only receive the money after Reception is closes, let us know beforehand and you may be able to use a safe in one of the venues. PAY IN ALL THE MONEY YOU TAKE – DO NOT DEDUCT ANY EXPENSES – THIS IS FRAUD!
Money Out …. Society accounts are not like current accounts – the money held in them cannot be used to buy things directly. Instead money needs to be transferred from these one account to another, and the reason for every transaction needs be visible to auditors. Small purchases (up to £200 or so) are usually made by an exec or other society member. This person then fills out a claim form, which must be signed by the society’s treasurer. (If it is the treasurer who is making a claim, then the form must be signed by the president.) Receipts totalling the amount being claimed must be attached to the form – and treasurers should please check this before signing! Forms should then be handed in at SU Reception.
…. Most expenses are paid in cash to the person whose name is on the form, at SU Reception. They will need to bring their They should then be collected from the same place, when they will be reimbursed in cash on production of a registration card. If the claim is more than £200 payment will need to be made by bank transfer, so please include your bank details on the form to avoid delays. Larger amounts – payments for services, like DJ fees - can be paid via invoice – a bill sent to the SU, which we pay by bank transfer. The SU Societies Department is able to pay for really expensive items using a charge card, but this is the exception rather than the rule.
What if we need more money?
Fundraising is very effective when properly costed and planned, and can be a really enjoyable activity for execs & members. If your society has discounted its membership fee, you will be expected to fund raise more than previously. Apply for Societies Guild funding using the SocGuild Funding Form. Bear in mind that you will need to provide full details, and the more members that will benefit, the more likely you are to get the money. (Click here for the Typeform application). Click funding & other grants – do your research! Sponsorship – must be agreed by the SU Donations – so long as there are no strings attached, you won’t pay VAT on the income. Collections, departments, embassies etc.
Weekly Finance Report This automated ‘bank statement’ sent to all presidents and treasurers every week, so there is no excuse for not knowing what is happening in your account! Do read it, and do ask questions if something looks odd – mistakes do occasionally happen. Don’t forget that VAT will be deducted from sums you pay in, and if you have provided a VAT receipt for a purchase, the smaller (net) amount will be taken from your society’s account.
Do you know the 5 W’s of your event?
Why? What? When? Where? Who? Decide these before anything else.
Why do you want to hold the event?
To meet the aims & objectives of your society To benefit your members To raise money for your society To raise money for charity To achieve a standard or raise your profile. Whatever the reason, set yourself SMART objectives – defined outcomes that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timed.
What do you want to do? If it’s an old favourite, it may be getting tired, but if it’s completely new, it may be risky. Are there other, similar events taking place during the year? Do you need permission? special equipment? a risk assessment? a license? a food hygiene certificate? If you are inviting an external speaker or guests you MUST declare it, and give at least 3 weeks notice. Collaborating with other societies can reduce the risk of a new venture, and can avoid or reduce duplication. If you need permission, get it BEFORE you do anything else.
When will it take place? At peak times (Freshers’ Fortnight, Halloween, Christmas, St Patrick’s Day, Chinese New Year) the world and his or her wife will be holding events. Venues will be booked up and small scale events will get lost. If your event clashes with ones held by similar societies in your convene, or other large-scale society events, you may cause frustration for your members, and all events may suffer from depleted attendance. Does the timing of your event mean that some of your members or potential members (mature, PG, or commuting students, or student parents) are unlikely to participate? Talking to your Convenor, the SG Events Officer, and fellow execs can help avoid clashes – collaboration also helps!
Where will it take place?
There is no charge for University-owned rooms on campus, and they can all be booked through Central Room Bookings – even The Hexagon and the Ivor Crewe, if you can justify it. Be careful when completing the forms, be truthful, and if you have particular requirements, please explain them. SU Venues can be booked using the Venues Booking Form, but please give them plenty of notice, and be prepared to be flexible. Most Square 3 events don’t need an Estates Form, but if you are playing music or amplifying voices, or doing something out of the ordinary, you will need to complete one, along with a Risk Assessment. Be careful when using external venues – it means entering into a contract, which needs SU approval, and you may lose money if you are not careful!
Who do you want to attend?
ALWAYS create an event on your web page at – even if you are advertising the event elsewhere it will increase your society’s profile, you will get free additional promotion from the SU, and you will not need to provide further evidence of the events when you apply for standards. Members - social media will be probably effective, but remember that not all members will use social media, so use the Messaging facility available to you via to all your members, which may be more effective. Wider - you may be able to use the SU screens – but see our FAQ pages for more information. Booking a table in Square 3 and handing out flyers, with giveaways, music or a game is effective – so are posters and flyers around campus. (We are working with the University to find out where you can do this without them being taken down!)
Remember - you are not alone!
FAQs Your convenors and officers Other execs and Guild members Your SU Societies Team Your SU
Final Reminders Familiarise yourself with the Admin Tools on your web page now, before you get too busy. PLEASE create an signature that gives your society & position – we are brilliant, but not psychic! It is never too early to start thinking about standards - a help session is coming soon. Join the UoE Societies Guild and Societies Guild Executive Facebook groups. Don’t panic about Freshers’ Fair – more information will be given at the GM tonight – and don’t forget to keep selling your memberships.
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