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2 LES MOTS MASCULINES Les cheveux = hair Le visage = face
Un œil / les yeux = eye/ eyes Le nez = nose Le cou = neck Le bras = arm Le coude = elbow Le poignet = wrist

3 LES MOTS MASCULINES Le doigt = finger Le pouce = thumb
un ongle = finger nail Le cœur = heart L’estomac or le ventre = stomach Le dos = back Le derrière = butt le genou = knee le pied = foot un orteil / le doigt de pied = toe

4 CLASS WORK Label the following pictures with the correct French word 3
1 2

5 LES MOTS FÉMININES La tête = head La figure = face La joue = cheek
La bouche = mouth La lèvre = lip La langue = tongue La dent = tooth

6 LES MOTS FÉMININES Une oreille = ear La gorge La poitrine = chest
Une épaule = shoulder La main = hand La jambe = leg La cheville = ankle

7 CLASS WORK Label the following pictures with the correct French word

Head shoulders, knees and toes Tête, épaule, genou et pied, genou et pied J’ai deux yeux, un nez, une bouche, et deux oreilles

9 LA SANTE The following expressions talk about your health and being sick. Être malade = to be sick Être en bonne santé = to be in good health Être en forme = to be in shape Etre en mauvais santé = to be in bad health Être fatigué(e) = to be tired Avoir de la fièvre = to have a fever Avoir un rhume = to have a cold Avoir la grippe = to have the flu Avoir mal à = to have a hurt somewhere Tousser = to cough

10 AVOIR MAL A The expression avoir mal à is used when you want to tell some one what hurts. use au if the body part is masculine use à la if the body part is feminine use à l’ if the body part starts with a vowel use aux if the body part is plural

11 AVOIR MAL A EXAMPLES J’ai mal à la tête
I have a headache Nous avons mal à l’estomac (au ventre) We have a stomachache. Il a mal aux oreilles He has an earache You have a sore throat Tu as mal à la gorge (throat)

12 EXTRA EXPRESSIONS Avoir le nez qui coule = to have a runny nose
Avoir les yeux qui piquent = have eyes that sting Avoir la gorge qui grate = to have a throat that scraches Avoir des frissons = to have the shivers J’ai un chat dans la gorge. = I have a frog in my throat. Un mouchoir = handkerchief Un kleenex = a kleenex

13 EXTRA EXPRESSIONS Je me sens bien= I feel well
Je ne me sens pas bien = I don’t feel well Qu’est-ce que tu as? = What’s wrong?/What’s the matter? Où est-ce que tu as mal? = Where does it hurt?

14 CLASS WORK Write the following into French I am sick. She coughs.
They (masc.) have a fever. We have a cold. You (singular) have an earache You (plural) are in good health.

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