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Talent Development and Leadership Tracking System of the Future

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Presentation on theme: "Talent Development and Leadership Tracking System of the Future"— Presentation transcript:

1 Talent Development and Leadership Tracking System of the Future
Wallace Foundation Project with Des Moines Public Schools Introductions and frame up: Matt will do some background of the project and work in DMPS Matt-lead slides 1-6 Michael- lead slides 7-12 Amy –lead slide 13 Demonstration: Amy will frame the each phase of the demo and Matt will add on to the conversation. (REMEMBER SCREEN SHOTS ON THESE SLIDES ARE JUST A VISUAL REFERENCE….NAMES AND DATA WILL LOOK A LITTLE DIFFERENT IN THE LIVE DEMO) LOOK AT THE NOTES ON THE DEMO SLIDES

2 Michael D. Toth CEO Learning Sciences International

3 LTS Components Career ladder/pipeline
Micro-credential system for Instructional Leadership competencies for a leadership pipeline (new teacher to principal supervisor) School Profiles with leading and lagging indicators Vacancy projector and matching Facilitator Notes: Matt- speak to each component of the system and the impact for DMPS

4 LTS Theory of Action Instructional Leadership is a competence
Fundamentally neither principal supervisors nor principals teach students so their instructional leadership effects are measured through the improvements in teachers’ instructional practices which result in increased student learning

5 Cascading Effects Principal Supervisor Effectiveness
Principal Effectiveness Teacher Effectiveness Student Achievement

6 Principal Supervisor District Leader Competencies Principal School Leader Competencies Vice Principal More School Leader Competencies Aspiring Administrator Teacher Instructional Competencies + Teacher growth + Starting School Leader Competencies Proactive Leadership Pipeline ‒ Career Ladder Based on Instructional Competence

7 This would make DMPS the first in the nation to have such a coherent and powerful instructional competency-based career ladder and leadership pipeline system.

8 Competency Alignment Standards Driven Instruction
to impact student outcomes District Leader: Adheres to Federal, District and State Standards School Leader: Adheres to District and State Standards Teacher: Identifying Critical Content

9 Student Achievement District: School: Teacher:
Improved and aligned systems to support schools Fidelity of curriculum, instruction, assessment, intervention, and resources School: Improved systems to support teacher teams and individual teachers Teacher: Improved systems to support student teams and individual students

10 District Leader Impact:
Improved and aligned systems to support schools Fidelity of curriculum, instruction, assessment, intervention, and resources Increased district achievement data School Leader Impact: Improved systems to support teacher teams and individual teachers Teacher Impact: Improved systems to support student teams and individual students Student Achievement

11 Certified vs. Qualified
Certified Person Aspiring passed written and practical exams related to the work  Knowledge based No evidence of implementation or impact Qualified Person  a practitioner possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing extensive knowledge, training and experience successfully demonstrates the competencies relating to the work. Amy will lead a group processing activity….

12 Competent A practitioner
Possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing Extensive knowledge, training and experience Successfully demonstrates the competencies relating to the work. Evidenced leadership impact on student learning. Amy


14 Wrap-Up Comprehensive cloud based Talent Development System
Not a bolt on to current systems Becomes ingrained in the organizational culture Develop ALL levels of the organization Personalized to the learner Transparent HR systems Succession Planning Career Pipelines


16 Contact information Amy Dujon Learning Sciences International (717) ext. 252 Matt Smith, Chief Schools Officer Des Monies Public Schools Office: (515) (or ext.8506)

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