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Initiatives Four initiatives or focus areas:

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1 Initiatives Four initiatives or focus areas:
Fundraising and fundraising committee Membership Collections Web presence These are in addition to our normal society business.

2 Fundraising New fundraising committee (vote needed)
Committee goal: serve as focal point for fundraising efforts; work with Sara. Examples: Special fundraising events Identify and court private foundations Identify public grant opportunities Reach-out to large donors etc. Members: George, Paul, Bob F., I will address attendees at public lectures about AHS funding situation and needs. Success means increased society revenue.

3 Membership Meaning of membership has become diluted
No printed newsletter or meeting reminder; all communications are online and go to both members and non-members alike. I have asked our membership committee (Angela) to consider meaning (benefits) of membership Possibly revive quarterly newsletter? Special, member's only events or privileges? What else? Goal is to make AHS membership desirable. Benchmark our society against neighboring or similar historical societies (Alan J.). Success means increasing membership

4 Collections Continue with ongoing organizing, cataloging, etc.
Look at collections, identify a couple of areas of strength (Jeanne, Doris, Bev). For example: ice industry. For our internal use in creating display in e.g. assembly room. Reach-out to relevant scholars informing them about our collection. (Publicity, intellectual depth.) Goal: Find a niche which makes us unique/important. Success: we become known for our collection of <something>, e.g. mention in a scholarly article.

5 Web presence Take one step up in our web presence.
Sara will get something new on the web/blog/Facebook at least once every two weeks. Content by interns/volunteers, Sara is editor in chief, responsible for quality. Goals: Dynamic web presence is publicity. Broaden our audience (age and geographically) Fundraising platform Success: increasing web “hits”, we do signifcant fundraising via website.

6 Discussion

7 Ranked goals for fundraising
From our board retreat Ranked goals for fundraising 10 – grants for collections 7 – raise money for endowments – fundraising with a plan 9 - increase membership 8 – seek bequests 7 – start process for major fund drive 10 – develop a strategic plan for fundraising – levels, careful, developed Added to: special events, like seminars Develop an “elevator speech” for society Make it easier to donate 8 – educate membership about financial situation – at talks in a public way re; financial needs & future vision 8 - long range planning

8 Spy Pond

9 AHS Mastodon Proposal

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