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BLP Skills: listening, noticing, questioning and collaboration

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1 BLP Skills: listening, noticing, questioning and collaboration
Meditation Lesson Objective: by the end of the lesson you will have thought about what meditation is (level 5) and why Buddhists believe it is useful for achieving enlightenment (level 6). BLP Skills: listening, noticing, questioning and collaboration

2 Let’s meditate! Jack Kornfield Sit with you back straight.
Place your hands on your lap or on the desk. Close your eyes or look on the ground. Clear your thoughts. Focus on breathing in and breathing out. Continue. Listen to the music Jack Kornfield

3 Loving Mediation Focus on your breathing and relax.
Think of someone you love or really care about. Focus on the feelings you have for them. Now think of someone you dislike or do not get on with. Try to keep the positive feelings from before and focus on the person you dislike.

4 Questions Did meditation work for you?
If it worked, explain why? What feelings did you have? If it didn’t, explain what was going through your mind. Do you think meditation is useful in everyday life? Is meditation religious? Could you be a non-religious person and still meditate?

5 Homework Practice meditation at home.
Teach it to your parents, brothers and sisters or even your pets!

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