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Fitness Assessments Cardiorespiratory Fitness Muscular Strength

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1 Fitness Assessments Cardiorespiratory Fitness Muscular Strength
Muscular Endurance Flexibility

2 Define Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF):
The ability to perform large muscle, dynamic, moderate- to high intensity exercise for prolonged periods of time and reflects the functional capabilities of the heart, blood vessels, lungs and relevant muscles.

3 What is the measurement of CRF used for?
Exercise prescription and programming Progress in, and motivation of, an individual in an exercise program – provides feedback and motivation to keep a client interested in exercise Prediction of medical conditions such as coronary artery disease (further identity or diagnose health problems)

4 How is the true measurement of CRF completed?
Involves maximal exertion as a result of graded exercise testing along with the collection of expired gasses during the exercise test.

5 Why is the true measurement of CRF not always done?
Measurement of expired gases is not always feasible Procedure is likely beyond the scope of practice for many personal trainers

6 What medication could alter the results of a CRF assessment?

7 Field Tests A field test generally requires the client to perform a task in a non-laboratory or field setting, such as running 1.5 miles at near maximal exertion. Field tests are relatively easy and inexpensive to administer and thus are ideal for testing large groups of clients.

8 Field Tests Field tests, are considered to be submaximal, and may be inappropriate for safety reasons for sedentary individuals at moderate to high risk for cardiovascular or musculoskeletal complications.

9 What field tests are used to predict aerobic capacity?
1.5 mile run test 1 mile walking test

10 1.5 mile Run and 1 Mile Walking Test Guidelines
In the 1.5 mile run test, the client can walk, run or use a combination of both to complete the test. In the pure walking test, clients are strictly limited to walking (always having one foot on the ground at any given time) the entire test.

11 Who is the 1.5 mile run test contraindicated for?
Beginners Those with known heart disease or risk factors for heart disease

12 1.5 mile run test guidelines
Clients should be able to jog for 15 minutes continuously to complete the 1.5 mile run test to obtain a reasonable prediction of their aerobic capacity. Clients need to be informed of the purpose of the test and the need to pace themselves over the 1.5 miles distance.

13 1.5 mile run test guidelines
Effective pacing and the client’s motivation are key variables in the outcome of the test. Have clients start the test and start a stopwatch to coincide with the start. Give your clients feedback on time throughout the assessment to help them with pacing.

14 1.5 mile run test VO2 Max Calculation
VO2max (mL*KG*min) = / time

15 1.5 mile run test VO2 Max Calculation
Time is included in the equation. You must convert seconds into a decimal. To do this, divide the seconds by 60. For example is a client’s time was 12 minutes and 51 seconds you divide 51/60 to get .85.

16 1.5 mile run test VO2 Max Calculation
Convert following times into a whole number with a decimal Time Decimal 16:24 17:45 14:21

17 1.5 mile run test VO2 Max Calculation
Convert following times into a whole number with a decimal Time Decimal 16:24 16.40 17:45 17.75 14:21 14.35

18 1.5 mile run test VO2 Max Calculation
Example: Male client completed the 1.5 mile run test in 16:42 and is 43 years old. Calculate and classify VO2 max. VO2max (mL*KG*min) = / time Convert 42 seconds into a decimal. 42/60 = .70 VO2max (mL*KG*min) = / 16.70 VO2max (mL*KG*min) = VO2max (mL*KG*min) = 32.42 Look on chart for classification: Below Average

19 1.5 mile run test VO2 Max Calculation
Calculate and classify VO2 Max for: Male, 1.5 mile time: 13: 22, age 35

20 1.5 mile run test VO2 Max Calculation
Calculate and classify VO2 Max for: Female, 1.5 mile time: 15:43, age 29

21 1.5 mile run test VO2 Max Calculation
Calculate and classify VO2 Max for: Male, 1.5 mile time: 16:02, age 21

22 1.5 mile run test VO2 Max Calculation
Calculate and classify VO2 Max for: Female, 1.5 mile time: 11:34, age 19

23 Who is the 1 mile walk test useful for?
Those who are unable to run because of low fitness and/or injury.

24 What are the requirements for the 1 mile walk test?
Keep exercise heart rate above 120 bpm. Have clients walk 1 mile as fast as possible without running

25 1 Mile Walk Test Guidelines
Immediately at the end of the 1-mile walk, the personal trainer counts the recovery heart rate for 15 seconds and multiplies by 4 to determine a 1 minute recovery. It has been shown that using a heart rate monitor may give the client more accurate results than manual palpation of heart rate.

26 1 Mile Walk Test Calculations
There are 2 equations for the 1 mile walk test. The equation used with individuals younger than 30 is: (.0769 X weight in kilograms) – (.3877 X age) + (6.315, for men only) – ( X time) – (.1565 X HR)

27 1 Mile Walk Test Calculations
The equation used with individuals age 30-69: (.1692 X weight in kilograms) – (.3877 X age) + (6.315, for men only) – ( X time) – (.1565 X HR) In both equations is only added in for males. For a female you skip that step.

28 1 Mile Walk Test Calculations
To perform the calculation your client’s weight must be converted to kilograms. To do this, divide the weight by 2.2. Example: Client weighs 150 pounds to convert to kilograms divide by 2.2 150/2.2 = kg

29 1 Mile Walk Test Calculations
Example: Female client weighs 216 pounds and completed the 1 mile walk test in 14:21, client is 36 years old, heart rate was 144 bpm. Calculate VO2 max  Use the equation for individuals age 30—69 (.1692 X weight in kilograms) – (.3877 X age) + (6.315, for men only) – ( X time) – (.1565 X HR) The will be omitted because this is a female Step 1: Convert weight to kilograms 216/2.2 = kg Step 2: Convert seconds to a decimal 21/60 = .35 Step 3: plug information into equation – (.1692 x 98.18) – (.3877 x 36) – ( x 14.35) – (.1565 x 144) – – – – 22.54 VO2 Max = , classified as below average/ average

30 1 Mile Walk Test Calculations
Example: Male client weighs 197 pounds and completed the 1 mile walk test in 13:48, client is 28 years old, heart rate was 158 bpm. Calculate VO2 max Use the equation for individuals under age 30 (.0769 X weight in kilograms) – (.3877 X age) + (6.315, for men only) – ( X time) – (.1565 X HR) The will be included because this is a male Step 1: Convert weight to kilograms 197/2.2 = kg Step 2: Convert seconds to a decimal 48/60 = .80 Step 3: plug information into equation – (.0769 x 89.55) – (.3877 x 28) – ( x 13.80) – (.1565 x 158) – 6.88 – – – 24.73 VO2 Max = 51.64, classified as good

31 1 Mile Walk Test Calculations
Calculate and classify VO2 Max for: Male, 1 mile time: 15:13, age 25, weight 190 pounds, Heart Rate: 164 bpm

32 1 Mile Walk Test Calculations
Calculate and classify VO2 Max for: Female, 1 mile time: 14:26, age 32, weight 143 pounds, Heart Rate: 156 bpm

33 1 Mile Walk Test Calculations
Calculate and classify VO2 Max for: Male, 1 mile time: 13:17, age 41, weight 175 pounds, Heart Rate: 148 bpm

34 1 Mile Walk Test Calculations
Calculate and classify VO2 Max for: Female, 1 mile time: 16:44, age 27, weight 164 pounds, Heart Rate: 168 bpm

35 What is the Queens College step test based on?
Recovery heart rate; the lower the recovery heart rate the more fit the individual

36 What equipment is needed to administer the queen’s college step test?
Watch Metronome Step at inches

37 If using a step bench, how many risers are put under the platform?
6 risers per side

38 Who is the step test be contraindicated for?
Clients with balance issues Clients that have difficulty stepping

39 Queens College Step Test Guidelines
Step Height Duration Men’s Cadence Women’s Cadence 16.25 inches 3 minutes 24 steps per minute Metronome set to 96 bpm 22 steps per minute Metronome set to 88 bpm

40 Queens College Step Test Guidelines
After 3 minutes of stepping are completed, the client stops and has his or her pulse taken while standing within the first 5 seconds. A 15 second pulse count is then taken and multiplied by 4 to determine HR in BPM. The recovery HR should occur between 5 and 20 seconds of immediate recovery from the end of the step test.

41 Queens College Step Test Calculations
Males: VO2 Max = – (.42 x HR) Females: VO2 Max = – ( X HR)

42 Queens College Step Test Calculations
Calculate and classify VO2 Max for: Male, 39 years old, recovery HR 96 bpm VO2 Max = – (.42 x 96) VO2 Max = VO2 Max = 71.01, Excellent

43 Queens College Step Test Calculations
Calculate and classify VO2 Max for: Female, 24 years old, recovery HR 104 bpm VO2 Max = (.1847 x 104) VO2 Max = VO2 Max = 46.6, Above Average

44 Queens College Step Test Calculations
Calculate and classify VO2 Max for: Male, 33 years old, recovery HR 134 bpm

45 Queens College Step Test Calculations
Calculate and classify VO2 Max for: Female, 57 years old, recovery HR 142 bpm

46 Queens College Step Test Calculations
Calculate and classify VO2 Max for: Male, 48 years old, recovery HR 165 bpm

47 Queens College Step Test Calculations
Calculate and classify VO2 Max for: Female, 23 years old, recovery HR 155 bpm

48 What are the two forms of cycle ergometer tests?
Astrand-Rhyming YMCA Submaximal Bike Test

49 What is muscular strength?
One-time maximal force that may be exerted and is localized to a joint or muscle group

50 What does one repetition maximum 1RM stand for?
One-time maximum amount of weight lifted

51 What is a good way of expressing muscular strength?
As a ratio of total body weight, determined by dividing weight lifted by body weight Weight Ratio = weight pushed in pounds body weight in pounds

52 Calculating Weight Ratio
Example: Male client, age 32 weighs 198 pounds and bench pressed 215 pounds 1 time. Calculate and classify the muscular strength ratio. 215/198 = 1.09, Good/Excellent

53 Calculating Weight Ratio
Calculate and classify muscular strength ratio: Male, Age – 43, Weight 167 pounds, RM = 155 pounds

54 Calculating Weight Ratio
Calculate and classify muscular strength ratio: Female, Age – 38, Weight 124 pounds, RM = 130 pounds

55 Calculating Weight Ratio
Calculate and classify muscular strength ratio: Male, Age – 22, Weight 188 pounds, RM = 225 pounds

56 Calculating Weight Ratio
Calculate and classify muscular strength ratio: Female, Age – 53, Weight 85 pounds, RM = 85 pounds

57 The 1RM bench press measures the strength of what three muscle groups?
Triceps Pectoralis Major Rear Deltoid

58 Who should not complete a 1 RM test?
Elderly Those with significant orthopedic limitations Pregnant Women

59 1 RM testing protocol Allow the client to become comfortable with the bench press and its operation by practicing a light warm-up of 5 to 10 repetitions at 40 to 60% perceived maximum

60 1 RM testing protocol For the test, the client is to keep his or her back on the bench, both feet on the floor, and the hands should be shoulder width apart with palms up on the bar. It is necessary for the personal trainer to ensure that the client is using a closed grip with the thumbs on one side of the bar and the other fingers encircling the bar. A spotter must be present for all lifts. The spotter hands the bar to the subject. The client starts the lift with the bar in the up position and arms fully extended. The bar is lowered to the chest and then pushed back up until the arms are locked. Be mindful of breathing and avoid the Valsalva maneuver.

61 1 RM testing protocol Following a 1-minute rest with light stretching, the subject does three to five repetitions at 60% to 80% of perceived maximum.

62 1 RM testing protocol The client should be close to the perceived maximum. Add a small amount of weight and a 1RM lift is attempted. If the lift is successful, a rest period of 3 to 5 minutes is provided. The goal is to find the 1RM in 3 to 5 maximal efforts. The process continues until a failed attempt occurs. The greatest amount lifted is considered 1RM.

63 1 RM testing protocol The client should be close to the perceived maximum. Add a small amount of weight and a 1RM lift is attempted. If the lift is successful, a rest period of 3 to 5 minutes is provided. The goal is to find the 1RM in 3 to 5 maximal efforts. The process continues until a failed attempt occurs. The greatest amount lifted is considered 1RM.

64 Define Muscular Endurance
The ability to apply a force repeatedly over time.

65 Test used to measure Muscular Endurance
Partial Curl Up Push Up

66 Equipment Used for Push Up Test
Mat Yoga Block

67 Who Should Not Perform the Push Up Test
Individuals with wrist or shoulder problems

68 Push Up Test Procedures
The push up test is administered with male subjects starting in the standard “down” position (hands pointing forward and under the shoulder, back straight, head up, using the toes as the pivotal point) Female subjects in the modified “Knee push up” position (legs together lower leg in contact with mat with ankles plantarflexed, back straight, hands shoulder width apart, head up, using the knees as the pivotal point).

69 Push Up Test Procedures
The subject must raise the body by straightening the elbows and return to the “down” position, until the chest touches the yoga block. The stomach should not touch the mat.

70 Push Up Test Procedures
For both men and women the subject’s back must be straight at all times and the subject must push up to a straight arm position. The maximal number of pushups performed consecutively without rest is counted as the score. The test is stopped when the client strains forcibly or Is unable to maintain the appropriate technique within two repetitions

71 Push Up Test Classifications
Classify the following push up test results Male Female Age: 25 Pushups: 45 Classification: Age: 28 Pushups: 37 Age: 43 Pushups: 21 Age: 63 Pushups: 8 Age: 36 Pushups: 5 Age: 48 Pushups: 9

72 Partial Curl Up Test - Equipment
Mat with tape 12 cm apart for clients <45 and 8 cm apart for clients > 45 Metronome set at 40 beats per minute

73 Who Should Not Perform the Partial Curl Up Test?
Pregnant women People with low back pain Individuals with recent abdominal or low back surgery

74 Who Should Not Perform the Partial Curl Up Test?
Pregnant women People with low back pain Individuals with recent abdominal or low back surgery

75 Partial Curl Up Test Procedures
Two strips of masking tape are to be placed on a mat on the floor at a distance of 12 cm apart (for clients < 45 years) or 8 cm apart (for clients > 45 years)

76 Partial Curl Up Test Procedures
Subjects are to lie in a supine position across the tape, knees bent at 90 degrees with feet on the floor and arms extended to their sides, so that their fingertips touch the nearest strip. This is the bottom position. To reach the top position, subjects flex their spines to 30 degrees, reaching their hands forward until their fingers touch the second strip of tape.

77 Partial Curl Up Test Procedures
A metronome is set at 40 beats per minute. At the first beep the subject begins the curl up, reaching the top position at the second beep, returning to the starting position at the third, top at the fourth etc.

78 Partial Curl Up Test Procedures
Repetitions are counted each time the subject reaches the bottom position. The test is concluded either when the subject reaches 75 curl ups or when the cadence is broke. Every subject will be allowed several practice repetitions prior to the start of the test.

79 Partial Curl Up Test Classifications
Classify the following partial curl up test results Male Female Age: 25 Curl-ups: 60 Classification: Age: 28 Curl-ups: 52 Age: 43 Curl-ups: 47 Age: 63 Curl-ups: 15 Age: 36 Curl-ups: 23 Age: 48 Curl-ups: 26

80 What is the name of the test used to measure flexibility?
Sit and Reach Test

81 The flexibility of what muscles groups are measured with the Sit and Reach Test?
Hamstrings Lower Back Hips

82 Why is flexibility measured?
The practical significance of using the sit and reach test to measure flexibility is the significant number of people who complain of low back pain. It is likely that this pain is caused by decreased flexibility, primarily of the hamstrings.

83 Sit and Reach Procedures
Pretest: Participant should perform a short warm up (5-7 minutes) prior to this test and include some stretches for the targeted muscle groups (i.e. modified hurdlers stretch). It is also recommended that the participant refrain from fast jerky movements, which may increase the possibility of an injury. The participant’s shoes should be removed for the assessment.

84 Sit and Reach Procedures
The client sits without shoes and the soles of the feet flat against the sit and reach box at the 26 cm mark. Inner edges of the soles are placed within 2 cm of the measuring scale.

85 Sit and Reach Procedures
The participant should slowly reach forward (no bouncing) with both hands as far as possible to the point of mild discomfort), holding this position approximately 2 seconds. Be sure that the participant keeps the hands parallel and does not lead with one hand. Fingertips can be overlapped and should be in contact with the measuring portion of the sit and reach box. To assist with the best attempt, the participant should exhale and drop the head between the arms when reaching.

86 Sit and Reach Procedures
Testers should ensure that the knees of the participant stay extended; however the participant’s knees should not be pressed down. The participant should breathe normally during the test and should not hold his or her breath anytime.

87 Sit and Reach Procedures
Testers should ensure that the knees of the participant stay extended; however the participant’s knees should not be pressed down. The participant should breathe normally during the test and should not hold his or her breath anytime.

88 Sit and Reach Procedures
The score is the more distant point reached with the fingertips. The best of two trials should be recorded.

89 Sit and Reach Test Classifications
Classify the following sit and reach test results Male Female Age: 25 Trial 1: 10 inches Trial 2: 10 inches Farthest Measurement: Classification: Age: 18 Trial 1: 22.5 inches Trial 2: inches Age: 72 Trial 1: 14 inches Trial 2: 15 inches Age: 40 Trial 1: 17.5 inches Trial 2: 19 inches Age: 53 Trial 2: 11 inches Age: 32 Trial 1: 18 inches

90 Fitness Assessment Interpretation
If a client scores poorly or has failed to demonstrate progress in certain areas, then answers should be sought as to why the changes were not evident and how the exercise program should be adjusted to produce the desired changes in the future. It is important to realize that not all individuals are going to adapt to programming suggestions in the same way. Each round of health-related physical fitness assessments calls for a reexamination of the client’s goals and objectives.

91 Fitness Assessments- Answer Key
Cardiorespiratory Fitness Muscular Strength Muscular Endurance Flexibility

92 1.5 mile run test VO2 Max Calculation
Calculate and classify VO2 Max for: Male, 1.5 mile time: 13: 22, age 35 VO2max (mL*KG*min) = / time VO2max (mL*KG*min) = / 13:22 22/60=.37 VO2max (mL*KG*min) = / 13.37 VO2max (mL*KG*min) = VO2max (mL*KG*min) = mL*KG*min Below average

93 1.5 mile run test VO2 Max Calculation
Calculate and classify VO2 Max for: Female, 1.5 mile time: 15:43, age 29 VO2max (mL*KG*min) = / time  VO2max (mL*KG*min) = / 15:43  43/60=.72  VO2max (mL*KG*min) = / 15.72  VO2max (mL*KG*min) =  VO2max (mL*KG*min) = mL*KG*min Below average

94 1.5 mile run test VO2 Max Calculation
Calculate and classify VO2 Max for: Male, 1.5 mile time: 16:02, age 21 VO2max (mL*KG*min) = / time VO2max (mL*KG*min) = / 16:02 2/60=.03 VO2max (mL*KG*min) = / 16.03 VO2max (mL*KG*min) = VO2max (mL*KG*min) = mL*KG*min Poor

95 1.5 mile run test VO2 Max Calculation
Calculate and classify VO2 Max for: Female, 1.5 mile time: 11:34, age 19 VO2max (mL*KG*min) = / time VO2max (mL*KG*min) = / 11:34 34/60=.57 VO2max (mL*KG*min) = / 11.57 VO2max (mL*KG*min) = VO2max (mL*KG*min) = mL*KG*min Above average

96 1 Mile Walk Test Calculations
Calculate and classify VO2 Max for: Male, 1 mile time: 15:13, age 25, weight 190 pounds, Heart Rate: 164 bpm Convert weight to Kg 190/2.2 = 86.36 Convert time into a decimal 13/60 = .22 (15.22) ( X 86.36) – ( X 25) + (6.315) – ( X 15.22) – ( X 164) – (6.64)- (9.69) + (6.315) – (49.69) – (25.66) mL*KG*min Average

97 1 Mile Walk Test Calculations
Calculate and classify VO2 Max for: Female, 1 mile time: 14:26, age 32, weight 143 pounds, Heart Rate: 156 bpm Convert weight to Kg 143/2.2 = 65 Convert time into a decimal 26/60 = .43 (14.43) ( X 65) – ( X 32) – ( X 14.43) – ( X 156) – (10.998)- (12.41)– (47.11) – (24.41) mL*KG*min Average

98 1 Mile Walk Test Calculations
Calculate and classify VO2 Max for: Male, 1 mile time: 13:17, age 41, weight 175 pounds, Heart Rate: 148 bpm Convert weight to Kg 175/2.2 = 79.55 Convert time into a decimal 17/60 = .28 (13.28) ( X 79.55) – ( X 41) + (6.315) – ( X 13.28) – ( X 148) – (13.46)- (15.90) + (6.315) – (43.36) – (23.162) mL*KG*min Above Average

99 1 Mile Walk Test Calculations
Calculate and classify VO2 Max for: Female, 1 mile time: 16:44, age 27, weight 164 pounds, Heart Rate: 168 bpm Convert weight to Kg 168/2.2 = 76.36 Convert time into a decimal 44/60 = .73 (16.73) ( X 76.36) – ( X 27) – ( X 16.73) – ( X 168) – (12.92)- (10.47)– (54.62) – (26.29) mL*KG*min Poor

100 Queens College Step Test Calculations
Calculate and classify VO2 Max for: Male, 33 years old, recovery HR 134 bpm VO2max (mL*KG*min) = – (0.42 X HR) VO2max (mL*KG*min) = – (0.42 X 134) VO2max (mL*KG*min) = – (45.83) VO2max (mL*KG*min) = 65.5 Excellent

101 Queens College Step Test Calculations
Calculate and classify VO2 Max for: Female, 57 years old, recovery HR 142 bpm VO2max (mL*KG*min) = – ( X HR) VO2max (mL*KG*min) = – ( X 142) VO2max (mL*KG*min) = – (26.23) VO2max (mL*KG*min) = 39.58 Good/Excellent

102 Queens College Step Test Calculations
Calculate and classify VO2 Max for: Male, 48 years old, recovery HR 165 bpm VO2max (mL*KG*min) = – (0.42 X HR) VO2max (mL*KG*min) = – (0.42 X 165) VO2max (mL*KG*min) = – (69.3) VO2max (mL*KG*min) = 42.03 Good

103 Queens College Step Test Calculations
Calculate and classify VO2 Max for: Female, 23 years old, recovery HR 155 bpm VO2max (mL*KG*min) = – ( X HR) VO2max (mL*KG*min) = – ( X 155) VO2max (mL*KG*min) = – (28.63)  VO2max (mL*KG*min) = 37.18 Below Average

104 Calculating Weight Ratio
Calculate and classify muscular strength ratio: Male, Age – 43, Weight 167 pounds, RM = 155 pounds 155/167 = 0.93  Good

105 Calculating Weight Ratio
Calculate and classify muscular strength ratio: Female, Age – 38, Weight 124 pounds, RM = 130 pounds 130/124 = 1.05  Superior

106 Calculating Weight Ratio
Calculate and classify muscular strength ratio: Male, Age – 22, Weight 188 pounds, RM = 225 pounds 225/188 = 1.19  Good

107 Calculating Weight Ratio
Calculate and classify muscular strength ratio: Female, Age – 53, Weight 85 pounds, RM = 85 pounds 85/153 = 0.56  Excellent

108 Calculating Weight Ratio
You completed a 1RM test on 2 clients with the following results. Calculate their muscular strength ratio and use the tables to determine the classification of their result. Answer for female client: 95/142 = .67, Good

109 Calculating Weight Ratio
You completed a 1RM test on 2 clients with the following results. Calculate their muscular strength ratio and use the tables to determine the classification of their result. Answer for male client: 190/187 = 1.12, Fair

110 Push Up Test Classifications
Classify the following push up test results Male Female Age: 25 Pushups: 45 Classification: Excellent Age: 28 Pushups: 37 Age: 43 Pushups: 21 Classification: Very Good Age: 63 Pushups: 8 Classification: Good Age: 36 Pushups: 5 Classification: Needs Improvement Age: 48 Pushups: 9 Classification: Fair

111 Partial Curl Up Test Classifications
Classify the following partial curl up test results Male Female Age: 25 Curl-ups: 60 Classification: Above Average Age: 28 Curl-ups: 52 Age: 43 Curl-ups: 47 Classification: Average Age: 63 Curl-ups: 15 Age: 36 Curl-ups: 23 Classification: Below Average Age: 48 Curl-ups: 26

112 Sit and Reach Test Classifications
Classify the following sit and reach test results Male Female Age: 25 Trial 1: 10 inches Trial 2: 10 inches Farthest Measurement: 10 inches Classification: well below average Age: 18 Trial 1: 22.5 inches Trial 2: inches Farthest Measurement: inches Classification: Well Above Average Age: 72 Trial 1: 14 inches Trial 2: 15 inches Farthest Measurement: 15 inches Classification: Above average Age: 40 Trial 1: 17.5 inches Trial 2: 19 inches Farthest Measurement: 19 inches Age: 53 Trial 2: 11 inches Farthest Measurement: 11 inches Classification: Below average Age: 32 Trial 1: 18 inches Classification: Average

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