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Welcome to the 8th Grade Parent Meeting October 4th , 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the 8th Grade Parent Meeting October 4th , 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the 8th Grade Parent Meeting October 4th , 2017
Class of 2022

2 The Importance of Communication
EQUALS Success! Parent Student School Let’s Talk!! Progress Reports and Report Cards = Grades Clubs, Sports =Participation Friends and involvement = Social Course Selection = What classes are requested for next year

3 Academic Assistance Homework Center - After school (Monday-Thursday) 3pm - 4pm in room 227 Assessment and Regents Review- TBD Teachers’ Extra Help Schedule National Honor Society Tutors

4 Where can you go for more information about your child’s progress?
Parent Portal Team Meeting /Call Individual Teacher Weekly Progress Reports Daily Progress Reports

5 Honor Roll High Honor Roll = 93 average with no grade lower than 85
Principal’s List = 85 average with no grade lower than 75 At the conclusion of 8th grade, certificates are awarded at the Academic Awards Assembly to the students who achieve an average of 90 or higher for the first three MP’s. Starting in 9th grade points toward Academic Medals can be earned High Honor Roll = 2 Points Honor Roll = 1 Point Principal’s List = No Points Gold = 16 Points Silver = 11 Points Bronze = 6 Points

6 National Junior Honor Society
Students are considered for membership who have an accumulated average of 90 or higher by the third marking period of 8th grade, 9th grade or 10th grade.

8th Grade Assessments Exam Schedule: -English: April 11th – April 13th -Math: May 1st - May 3rd -Science: NYS Written Exam June 4th Performance section of the Science exam will be approximately 2 weeks prior to science written exam ALL DATES LISTED ABOVE ARE ON THE SCHOOL CALENDAR

8 Course Selection Process
Review Course Catalog on NHP Website Meet with Counselor to go over placement and pick electives, bring home course list to parents Parents will be able to view course selections through their Parent Portal accounts in May. Board policy to be recommended for an advanced class is 2 out of the following 3 criteria- 85 class average, motivation/student interest, teacher recommendation Teacher recommendations are made in January and again in May Board policy states that, after June 25th, a course may not be dropped except for extenuating circumstances We encourage all parents to set up an appointment with their child’s counselor to address any issues or concerns.

9 9th Grade Electives Must Choose One as a Graduation Requirement:
Studio In Art Performing Music - Band, Chorus, Orchestra Architectural Drawing/Technical Drawing Other Electives: Computer Essentials Computer Applications Career & Financial Management (1/2 year) Business Communications (1/2 year) *** Academy of Finance- by application only ***AP Human Geography and Model UN – by Social Studies recommendation only

10 Sample 9th Grade Schedule
Math English Social Studies Science Phys Ed/ Lab Art/Music/Tech Lunch Foreign Language Elective


12 NAVIANCE 7th Grade: Learning Styles Inventory 8th Grade:
Fall- Multiple Intelligence Advantage Spring- Strengths Explorer

13 Junior High/Junior Varsity Sports
Winter I (Nov.-Jan): Girls Volleyball, Boys Basketball, Track Winter II (Jan.-Mar.): Girls Basketball, Boys Volleyball, Wrestling Spring (Mar. –June.): Girls Lacrosse, Baseball, Softball, Boys Lacrosse, Track, Gymnastics (district) Tryouts for Junior Varsity Sports begins in late August, ALL students must have a Physical, the school supervises a visit to LIJ on 6/11 at 7:15am

14 District Attendance Policy
Credit will be denied for any student who exceeds: 12 absences in ½ credit course 24 absences in full credit course 3 lates = 1 absence Cutting class = no appeal process EVEN EXCUSED ABSENCES COUNT!!

15 DATES TO REMEMBER October 6th : Progress Reports available on the Parent Portal November 17th: Report Cards available on the Parent Portal Living Environment Regents Exam: June 13th, PM Algebra Regents Exam: June 12TH, PM FLACS A Exam-June 18th, AM

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