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English B - P2 Specimen Papers

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1 English B - P2 Specimen Papers
January 2011

2 HL (section A) Based on what you have studied in class, complete one of the following tasks. Write 250 to 400 words. 1. Cultural diversity You are a student at an international school in an English-speaking country; write an article to be published in your school magazine describing how your life has changed by interacting with students from so many different parts of the world. Write your article.

3 2. Customs and traditions Last summer you spent three months in an English-speaking town where you observed how local teenagers spend their leisure time after school and decided to post your observations on a travel blog. Write your blog entry.

4 3. Health Social isolation can be considered a disease for today’s teenagers. In class, you have been asked to give a speech to your classmates informing them about the problem. Write the text of your speech.

5 4. Leisure Have new technologies affected sports
4. Leisure Have new technologies affected sports? Your teacher has set this as the topic of your next essay. Write the essay discussing how new technologies may have affected sports.

6 5. Science and technology Your school has launched a campaign to save energy. Write a letter to your school’s administration suggesting ways in which your school can save energy.

7 HL (section B) Write, and justify, a personal response to the following passage using one of the text types you have seen in class. Write 150 to 250 words. We put more emphasis on celebrating our parents (Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, etc.) than we do on respecting them. Still, “respect for one’s parents is the highest duty of civil life”.

8 SL Based on what you have studied in class, complete one of the following tasks. Write 250 to 400 words. 1. Cultural diversity Your friend is joining a summer language school to learn English. You have been to this school and improved your English through taking part in both language lessons and local activities. Write an to your friend in which you describe your experience.

9 2. Customs and traditions As part of your CAS programme, you have recently attended a party which was organized by exchange students. You have been advised to write an entry in your CAS journal in which you describe the party and the food offered. Write your journal entry.

10 3. Health You have noticed that many of your classmates are thinking of undergoing plastic surgery to improve their appearance. You decide to write an article to be published in a youth magazine in which you argue the pros and cons of plastic surgery. Write your article.

11 4. Leisure As the editor of your school newspaper, you have been asked to write a leaflet to promote your class senior year trip to a sea-front town. In the leaflet, you should list the activities planned, suggest what items of clothing and equipment your classmates should bring, and encourage them to take part in the trip. Write your leaflet.

12 5. Science and technology The science club at your school has watched a film which highlighted human dependence on technology in the twenty-first century. Write a review to be published on your school’s website commenting on the film’s content and how it has affected your habits when using technology. Write your review.

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