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.Far north Natives. Marco Buena.

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Presentation on theme: ".Far north Natives. Marco Buena."— Presentation transcript:

1 .Far north Natives. Marco Buena

2 .Geography. They only have snow and ice.(And animals.)(Water and stone too.) The Far North Region has a lot of tundra’s.(I mean, A LOT, seriously.) DON’T GO! ITS SO COLD!

3 .homes. The Far North Natives lived in igloos. (“Igloo” means house in the arctic language.) The igloo was made with blocks of snow and ice.(What else would they use?) Inside of a igloo, IT IS WARM!.

4 .clothes. The Far North Natives would wear thick coats called “Parkas”.(You’d be freezing there without parkas). They also wear gloves.(Won’t your hands be freezing?). They HAVE TO get warm stuff because its cold out there, right?

5 .jobs. Men would hunt animals and make tools.(Don’t forget, THEY MAKE IGLOOS). Women would skin animals and sew clothes with them.

6 .food. They always eat meat, like caribou and polar bears.
They also eat sea animals, like whales and fish.

7 .artifacts. They make dogsleds and the ride them.(you still can see them). They also make inuksuks.(Like earlier, you still can see them).

8 I’m done!!!!! I’m finally done for life. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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