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Ascension Thursday Liturgy

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1 Ascension Thursday Liturgy
May 15th – 19th This Week in 2A… Language Arts: Fairy tales; similes/metaphors Math: Multiplication - arrays & repeated addition Science: City Building! Social Studies/Religion: Have an amazing weekend! Shannon Kotvas Next Week’s Schedule Mon : Day 4 Tues Day 5 Wed : Day 6 Thurs : Day 1 – Ascension Thursday. Students may Dress UP Fri : Day 2 *Gym class today* Ascension Thursday Liturgy On Thursday, May 25th the 2nd graders will prepare for Ascension Thursday Liturgy. Each student has a part in this mass and we hope you’ll consider joining us at 1:30pm in the University Commons. Students may dress UP on this day! Upcoming Events Friday, May 19th – May 26th – Pittsburgh sumdog competitiion. Log in to participate. Thursday, May 25th – Ascension Thursday Liturgy May 27th – June 3rd – Read-A-Thon Monday, May 29th – No School. Happy Memorial Day! Gym/Swim Switch Due to scheduling conflicts we’ll have a one time gym/swim switch. On Friday, May 26th we’ll have gym and on Tuesday, May 30th we’ll have swimming. Remember, swimming things can be brought to school at any time and left on hooks in the coatroom!

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