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Project Title Be clever with the title and group name. Alliteration works well here. Remember, no student or teacher names are allowed.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Title Be clever with the title and group name. Alliteration works well here. Remember, no student or teacher names are allowed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Title Be clever with the title and group name. Alliteration works well here. Remember, no student or teacher names are allowed.

2 Abstract This is a commercial for the project. The abstract is the final step even though it is presented first. What was done? How was it done? Why was it done? What happened? What was learned? How will this help future scientists?

3 Research Use the Internet, periodicals, and other informational text to learn an in-depth account of the topic. This allows scientists to formulate an educated guess, the hypothesis. This allows analysis of the variables.

4 Problem / Question Write the problem as a question.
Hint: questions end in question marks! This is what scientists answer through an experiment.

5 Hypothesis If… (independent variable) then… (dependent variable) because… (what was found while researching). Do not worry during the experiment if the hypothesis is proven incorrect. Some of the best projects and winners have proven the hypothesis wrong. The key is that those scientists described their results in the conclusion.

6 Variables Independent Variable: List the one thing changed in the tests. Example: temperature Dependent Variable: This is the result observed or measured. Example: teaspoons of sugar dissolved Controlled Variable: List the things to keep the same to make sure the tests are fair. Example: amount of liquid used

7 Materials List the materials needed for the experiment.
List the precise amount of each item and the specific type of item used. List all items used in the test.

8 Procedures Explicitly list each step taken to conduct the experiment.
These are the directions for the test so that another scientist can replicate the experiment. Use imperative sentences and avoid stating “you.”

9 Data Charts Insert charts, graphs, and pictures.
This may be more than one slide. All charts, graphs, and pictures must have a caption. Example, “Chart created by student for project.”

10 Data Analysis Provide a brief description of the visual representation. Examples: Calculate the mean, median, and mode. Compare ratios. Write a clarification statement regarding the results. FYI: The end product will depend upon the experiment.

11 Conclusion Summarize the experiment. Restate your hypothesis.
Was the hypothesis supported or refuted? Provide details and scientific reasons to support the findings. Write a concluding statement about what was learned.

12 Paper Airplane Conclusion Remember to delete this slide after it is used as an example.
This experiment tested whether a paper airplane made of construction, copy, or lined paper will fly the furthest. The group hypothesized that the construction paper would travel the longest distance because it was a heavier weight paper. During the trial though, the hypothesis was refuted because the lined paper traveled the furthest for all three scientists. While all three planes were folded the same, the lined paper seemed to have the strongest creases. This may have given it an advantage with aero dynamics. Aero dynamics describes the relationship between the Earth’s air and how solid objects travel through it, like the paper airplanes.

13 Future Research How could the variables be altered to affect the results of the experiment? Is the research relevant and applicable to the original question?

14 Bibliography The bibliography should cite all sources.
All books, websites, encyclopedias, or other materials should be listed. “Google,” or “Wikipedia” are not URL addresses, rather they are search engines. Make sure to copy and paste the URL address properly so it can be found again.

15 Display Board Remember to delete this slide.
Only the winning projects will create physical display boards. All other projects will be displayed using Power Point and the C.O.W.S. during our Math / Science night, Thursday, January 26th. Any student who wishes to complete a board may do so, however, additional class time may not be provided.

16 Plagiarism Remember to delete this slide.
Copy and pasting from a website, writing verbatim from an informational text source, or claiming someone else’s ideas as your own is plagiarism. When copy and pasting information for future reading always copy and paste the URL at the same time. This will allow you to use proper citations if the information is included in your project. Academic dishonesty in this form may result in an alternative assignment as well as an office referral.

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