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Well-come Maharashtra Civil Services

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1 Well-come Maharashtra Civil Services
(Joining Time, Foreign service and payment during Suspension Dismissal and Removal )Rules 1981 Presentation by Pramod Renghe,Ret.Accounts Officercl.1

2 JOINING TIME A period or time allowed to join his new postings in new office either in same station or another station. CONDITIONS Transfer must be in the public interest or on administrative grounds. Even during leave period up to 180 days. Admissible when entire office is shifted to another Headquarter.

3 Joining time with in station
Not admissible in the same building. But one day admissible when transfer is in chane. One day joining time is allowed if transfer is in another building. If transit day is public holiday no separate JT admissible.

4 Transfer out of station
Sevan days inclusive of public holiday for preparation. One day for journey either in same district or adjoining district. Two days when transfer is beyond adjoining district. Sunday does not count as a day for journey period. Public holidays suffixing to joining time will extend joining time. Joining time pay by new office but at the rate of old post and in respect of on leave ,equal to leave salary. Maximum joining time up to 30days in case of heavy handing and taking over or in case of natural calamity. In case of leave, first leave and then J.T.

5 Example Shri X transfer from Pune to Nagpur and relived on11/07/2014 Friday. For preparation he will get 7 day from 12th to 18th July. For actual journey he will get two day on 19th an 21st July inluding 20th being Sunday. He will have to join on 22nd July 201 B.N.. If his transfer is at Satara then one day journey period will on 19th July but he will have to join on 21st B.N. . i.e JT extended by public holiday being Sunday. If Govt. servant is asked to join without availing joining time ,equal days which he has not availed JT ,to be added in Earned Leave subject to maximum 10 days.

6 FOREIGN SERVICE Is it out of India?
No. If salary is being paid by the employer other than Govt office i.e Local body from its own fund, it is called as FOREIGN SERVICE. Z.P. service is not foreign service. Requires consent of Govt. servant. In respect of employee who recruited after 30 July 1977.consent is not necy ,when local body is wholly or substantially owned by the Govt. It starts from the day of handing over charge and will end on the day he will again take charge in Govt office. Pay, leave salary and pension contribution Joining time pay for both the end will be borne by foreign employer. Service book to be kept by cader controlling officer.and notes of increment,leave etc be taken at his level only. .

7 Deputation allowance. 5% of his pay or maximum Rs 1000/at same station. 10% of his pay or maximum Rs2000 in respect of out of station. No deputation allowance in respct of local bodies depending on 100% Govt. grants. Maximum period 4 years. Foreign service counts for all purposes. Pl see Appendix III and rule33 to 65.

8 Payment During Suspension
Suspension is not punishment. Subsistence allowance at 50% of last pay+ appropriate DA, and HRA CLA etc subject to HQ and actual expenditure. Non employment certificate is necy. Increase up to 50% if delay is not on part of suspended person and decrease up to 50% if he is responsible for delay. Compulsory recovery .I.T. . and P.T./License fee and elect .and water charges./Repayment of loan and advances./DCPS Optional is LIC/ loan from co.op Bank and from GPF etc. SHOULD NOT in respect of GPF subscription ,court attachment/Loss sustained to Govt. (see rule 68/69)

9 Regularization of suspension period
If suspension is justified , it shd as such. suspension.This period will not qualify as service. If exonerated on merit, it shd be Duty period and difference be paid and all benefit like leave credits ,promotion ect. but for suspension be given. If he is partially guilty or acquitted on benefit of doubt ,No full pay and allowance be given. Period should be treated as duty for specific purpose like pension and some percent of pay may be given It can be treated as leave if Govt servant so desire Before deciding period show cause must be given. An appeal can be made to appellate authority.

10 Any questions?. T H A N K- Y O U

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