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Presentation on theme: "CONCEPT OF CONVEYER BELT IN FRONTS AND WAVES"— Presentation transcript:







7 CONCEPTUAL MODEL Vertical motion is responsible for layered clouds.
Not measured directly. Indirectly measured from Horizontal winds NWP. Normal charts only depict horizontal motion. Clouds patterns reflect relative wind flow.

8 CONCEPTUAL MODEL Relative streamlines are diff.
Near the trough the relative streamlines are anti cyclonically curved. Depends on relative speeds. Wind speed at the axis is same as trough speed.

9 CONCEPTUAL MODEL If wind speed is greater some air will flow across axis --DCA‘ Air moves in 3-D. Actual streamline has to be visualized in 3-D. A A‘ is rising air ahead of trough. DD‘ is descending air behind trough. These are conveyor belts.

10 CONCEPTUAL MODEL Commonly 1-3 km deep. 200-300 km wide.
Often 1000s of km long. A A‘-coming from southern lat is called warm conveyor belt – main cloud producing airflow. In saturated air moist isentropic surface is to be used.

11 Warm Conveyor Belt (WCB)

12 Warm Conveyor Belt (WCB)
Sharp western edge. General rule – air does not cross sharp cloud boundary at the level of cloud. Ragged edge indicates air flowing into and out of cloud. Cloud band may be uniformly wide or broaden as conveyor belt air ascends.

13 Warm Conveyor Belt (WCB)
Detailed view with respect to trough ridge system of WCB as an isentropic surface. SEly flow at X moving north curving to right. Anti cyclonic curvature reflects Ci level winds. Equator ward half represents veering of wind with ht. (warm advection). Isentropic surface : A surface in space in which potential temperature is everywhere equal. Isentropic surfaces Surfaces along which the entropy and potential temperature of air are constant. Potential temperature, in meteorological usage, is defined by the relationship in which T is the air temperature, P is atmospheric pressure expressed in millibars, CP is the heat capacity of air at constant pressure, and CV is the heat capacity at constant volume. Since the potential temperature of an air parcel does not change if the processes acting on it are adiabatic (no exchange of heat between the parcel and its environment), a surface of constant potential temperature is also a surface of constant entropy. The slope of isentropic surfaces in the atmosphere is of the order of 1/100 to 1/1000. An advantage of representing meteorological conditions on isentropic surfaces is that there is usually little air motion through such surfaces, since thermodynamic processes in the atmosphere are approximately adiabatic. See also Adiabatic process; Atmospheric general circulation.

14 Warm Conveyor Belt (WCB)
The surface is isentropic. Not all rising air is cloudy-will depend on RH. Within frontal cloud band clouds form at discrete layers depending on the history of AM

Saturation at near S. Thereafter rises along moist isentropic surface to U tropo. Air moving along limiting streamline LL (nearest to cold air along axis of deformation) undergoes greatest overall ascent. Precipitation is heaviest where trajectories rise rapidly post saturation. Generally wind speed maxima exist near cloud edge in UTropo. Middle level maxima may be found inside WCB cloud.

16 Warm Conveyor Belt (WCB)
(a) straight flow (an active cold front). (b) Anti cyclonically curved flow (an active warm front). (c) s-shaped flow after cyclogenesis (occluded system). Prior to cyclogenesis WCB is normally curved Anti cyclonically. Dev of s-shaped edge is due to cyclonic curvature in relative wind streamlines at the below cloud level.

17 Cold Conveyor Belt (CCB)
Advent of closed circulation in lower tropo results in easterly airflow pole ward of surface low. Causing air ahead of the warm front to move beneath the limiting streamline. (CCB). CC is CCB.

18 Cold Conveyor Belt (CCB)
CCB ascends towards west as it moves out from beneath the WCB. This produces a separate cloud band west of WCB, forming a comma shape to overall cloud pattern. CCB is moistened both by contact with ground of evaporation of pptn from WCB.

19 Cold Conveyor Belt (CCB)
Casual inspection of satellite image might suggest CCB cloud is part of cloud shield associated with WCB. Careful analysis shows separate features. Shadow at CC indicates this.

20 Thank You

21 300 K Surface Pressure in mb Wind blowing from low pressure to high pressure- air descending Wind blowing from high pressure to low pressure- air ascending


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