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Status of H-mode confinement Database by K. Thomsen, Kyoto, April 2005

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Presentation on theme: "Status of H-mode confinement Database by K. Thomsen, Kyoto, April 2005"— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of H-mode confinement Database by K. Thomsen, Kyoto, April 2005
3 new selection variables in DB3v13 (= 1. Extended standard set IAE2004S (= 1); ITER-like standard set IAE2004I (= 1); Non-Ohmic D-only std. set DB3DONLY (= 1); Data table is named DB3v13F on sql server. Pedestal part from PDB3v3 is missing! These datasets will used in the planned documentation.

2 IAE2004S ( aIV5 from DB3v13) *********** IV.4 Limit li ****************;
** aIV4 =1 : li <= *; aIV4 =0;li=2*(beili2-beimhd);if li<=2 then aIV4=1; ** Assume data within limits if data not available; if li = . then aIV4=1; *********** IV.5 Large IAEA2000 standard dataset ****************; ** aIV5 =1 : Large IAEA2000 standard dataset *; aIV5 =0; ** usual standard dataset; if seldb3= then aIV5=1; ** include gas puff data (SELDB3X=????????10); if (aIV1=0 and aIV2=1) and seldb3= then aIV5=1; ** include TFTR data; if tok='TFTR' then aIV5=1; ** weaken the non-stationarity conditions for TFTR; if tok='TFTR' then do;if ^(-0.10<=dwmhd/pl<0.35) then aIV5=0;end; ** only elmy data; if substr(PHASE,1,1) ^= 'H' then aIV5=0;if PHASE = 'H' then aIV5=0; ** exclude JET museums shots; if tok='JET' and shot=19971 then aIV5=0;if tok='JET' and shot=43014 then aIV5=0; ** limit temperature ratio; aIV5=aIV5*aIV3; ** exclude high li shots; aIV5=aIV5*aIV4;

3 IAE2004I ( aIV9 from DB3v13) *** IV.9 ITER like IAEA 2004 equivalent standard dataset ****;
** select from equivalent of large IAEA2000 std set aIV5=1; sm=0;sq=0;sk=0; IF aIV5=1 then do; If TOK='COMPASS' then area=vol/(2*3.142*RGEO); B = abs(BT);i = abs(IP)/1.e6;r = Rgeo;a = amin; k2=kappaa; If kappaa='.' then k2=area/3.1416/(a*a); qcyl=5*k2*a*a*B/(r*i); If 1.833<meff<2.167 then sm=1; If 1.6<qcyl< then sq=1; If 1.4<k2< then sk=1; end; aIV9 = sm*sq*sk; IAE2004I = aIV9;

4 DB3DONLY ( aIV8 from DB3v13). IV
DB3DONLY ( aIV8 from DB3v13) ********** IV.7 Deuterium only HMWS2003 standard dataset ***********; ** aIV7 =1 : Deuterium only standard dataset *; aIV7 =0; ** select equivalent of Otto's large IAEA2000 std set; IF aIV5=1 then aIV7 = 1; ** remove old elmy jet shots; If TOK='JET' and SHOT<30000 then aIV7 = 0; ** remove rogue JET shot?; If TOK='JET' and SHOT=37854 then aIV7 = 0; If TOK='JET' and SHOT=37859 then aIV7 = 0; ** limit range in MEFF and PGASA; If NOT ( 1.833<meff<2.167 and Pgasa=2 ) then aIV7 = 0; ********** IV.8 Deuterium only no Ohmic HMWS2003 standard dataset **; ** aIV8 =1 : Deuterium only standard dataset without Ohmic data *; aIV8 = aIV7; ** remove Ohmic data; IF AUXHEAT='NONE' then aIV8 = 0;

Review Sheets for TFTR shots are complete! Review Sheet for JFT-2M shots are complete! List of Normal level of accuracy of data needs to be updated. Data description for NSTX is missing Darren McDonald and I will be asking for help when needed

6 New Version DB4v1 New data from NSTX New data from JET Review sheets have been made Data descriptions outstanding Pedestal data?

7 Old Data submission List
AUG:New data with Pedestal info FR C-Mod:Maybe data from identity exp MG DIII-D:New data from dimensionless par. scaling scans JD JFT-2M:Maybe data from latest exp YM JT-60U: Old high Ti data and recent high density TT TCV:Maybe YM Others: ???? What happened ?????

8 New Action List

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