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Folding / Creasing / Cracking Timo Roine

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1 Folding / Creasing / Cracking Timo Roine
UK 11/05 TRo

HSWO / SHEET Absolute moisture content followed when producing HSWO papers and relative humidity when producing sheet fed papers ABS. 6 5 SHEET-FED OFFSET PAPERS MEASURED PROPERTY 4 MEASURED PROPERTY 3 HSWO 2 1 RH % 20 30 40 50 60 UK 11/05 TRo

3 X OK OK Cracking Creased before folding Not Creased
Same paper in these tests UK 11/05 TRo

4 Creasing ( score) Folding this way The only and right way to do
creasing before doing folding Creasing this side UK 11/05 TRo

5 Creasing/scoring Creasing and folding conditions as close to paper RH as possible, i.e. RH %, more dry condition, paper will break more easily. 170 gsm and over, is recommended to crease before folding. Crease line, Must be exactly middle of counterpart Counterpart, groove is ½ - 1 mm wider than crease line. The thicker the paper the bigger the difference UK 11/05 TRo

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