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7X Thursday US Policies Towards Native Americans

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Presentation on theme: "7X Thursday US Policies Towards Native Americans"— Presentation transcript:

1 7X 12-01-2016 Thursday US Policies Towards Native Americans
Objective: Describe how the political status of Native Americans has evolved during U.S. Western expansion in the 19th century. Agenda: Prayer Do Now: Complete page 335 #4 Go over Page 335 #4 The Indian Removal Treaties: History and Geography – page Comparing and contrasting regions activity – Google Classroom

2 Complete and go over Page 335 #4
Native American Groups Response to Removal Choctaw from Mississippi (p333) The Creek from Alabama (p333 and 336) The Chickasaw from Mississippi (p 333) The Cherokee from GA, AL, TN, NC (pg 333) The Fox and Sauk from Illinois (p335) The Seminoles from Florida (p 335)

3 Complete and go over Page 335 #4
Native American Groups Response to Removal Choctaw from Mississippi p.333 Leaders were forced to sign the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek, handed over 7.5 million acres of their. Forced to travel to reservation lands in OK, 25% died on the way. Their tragic experience inspired other tribes to resist removal. Creek from Mississippi p 333 Resisted removal. U.S captured 14,500, led in chains to reservations Chickasaw from Mississippi p 333 When they moved west to reservations, negotiated deal with U.S. government to get better supplies for the trip when they moved, but many still died during the trip. Cherokee from GA, TN, AL p 333 Adopted American culture. Gold found on their land. GA militia force them out. They sue to the Supreme Court. Fox and Sauk from Illinois p 335 Seminole from Florida p 335 Led by Osceola, resisted and fought U.S. efforts of removal. Many died, but they won the battles and were able to stay. Second Seminole War, Seminoles were able to stay in FL, still there today.

4 Page 336 – U.S. Treaties With Native American Tribe Over Time
Read over the table on page 336. What generalization can you make about the results of these treaties for the U.S.? What generalization can you make about the results of these treaties for the Indian groups? What generalization can you make about the outcome of these treaties over time?

5 Comparing and Contrasting Regions Groups
The Cherokee – Max, William, Brynn, Kiera Fox and Sauk – Marie, Morgan, Sam The Chickasaw and Chocktaw – Rosemary, Calli, Owen The Creek – Danny, Jonathan, Abby, Grace The Seminoles – Gaby, Ella, Mary, Julia Presentations due Monday!


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