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2 Resources to help you grow:

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2 2 Resources to help you grow:
Foundations for Ministry Authorised Lay Ministry Course

3 But first? What is ministry? Who are the ministers? 2 possible answers:

4 What is ministry? Ministry is what God has called me to do. I have been trained to provide all kinds of ministry to the parish. I am always available and work round the clock to provide it.

5 ‘Inherited’ church Church = A building + A vicar A stipend +

6 What is ministry? Ministry is what God has called the whole church to do in his name. My role is to help the church be the church and do all that God wants it to do in the world.

7 The Future or Hope but different Decline and Closure
More active lay ministries More “voluntary” leadership More grouping / sharing More variety Continued facing of change or Decline and Closure

8 So who are the ministers?
Everybody! All are called through our baptism. Ministry then not just for a trained ‘elite’ but for all God’s people everywhere. Each of us tasked by God to find and use the gifts for ministry and service that we have been given.

9 Sounds good but…. How do I discover my gifts? What’s my ministry?
Here’s something that might help…

10 What is Foundations for Ministry?
27 sessions over three terms. Designed to help people find and grow in ministry. Developed by the Diocese of Chester.

11 Who is it for? For lay people who want to serve God in the church and in the world. To develop and support many different kinds of Christian ministry.

12 What does the Course Cover?
Term 1: Church, Kingdom & Action Term 2: Ministry, Vocation & Teamwork Term 3: Groups, Growth & the Gospel

13 How much work is involved?
24 evening sessions, an induction day and two Saturday study days. An hour of ‘linkwork’ between sessions, which feeds into the group discussion.

14 How is the course taught?
A game of two halves: Worship and a lively presentation on the topic of the evening Small group time. There are no essays or assessed work.

15 Who can apply? Anyone who wants to grow in Christian ministry.
It is not a basics course. Not a course mainly about the Bible. Applicants will already be active Christians. Applicants need their incumbent’s approval for doing the course.

16 When and where? Wednesday evenings at Church House, Manchester.
Evening sessions run from 6.45 pm to 9.00 pm. The Course will be led by tutors and experienced small group leaders.

17 Sounds great! - but I’d like a second opinion
Here’s someone to tell you what it’s really like…….

18 But what if I already know what shape my ministry has ?
Authorised Lay Ministry

19 What is an Authorised Lay Minister?
They share in the public ministry of the local church. Lead or establish a team of people working in an area of ministry and they also work to develop the gifts of others. ALM’s are ‘authorised’ by the Bishop to exercise a particular ministry within their local parish. They do not hold the Bishop’s license.

20 The ALM training programme:
Aims to prepare you for: Children’s ministry Youth ministry Mission Pastoral ministry Worship Community ministry. Prayer and Spirituality ministry Small Group leader Young Families ministry

21 ALM How can I be selected for ALM?
To serve as an ALM you will need to be nominated by your PCC for this ministry. Need to be able to show how you will lead or establish a team.

22 ALM- what does it involve?
One year programme consisting of an induction day, two study Saturday’s, one weekend residential (optional) and three eight week modules. All participants will share in the first 8 week module which is a ‘core’ module exploring God’s call to ministry and developing a life of discipleship. Candidates undertake 2 further 8 week modules in their chosen area of ministry. Course expected to begin in January 2011

23 ALM Are there any written assignments?
The course involves a limited amount of written work /practical assignments – not graded. The course is open to people of all educational backgrounds.

24 ALM What happens at the end of the training course?
Annual diocesan service of commissioning by a bishop for ALM ministry. Authorisation will last for a period of 3 years and can then be renewed.

25 FFM and ALM - How to apply
Application, nomination and clergy reference forms can be obtained from the Discipleship and Ministry Training Department and on the diocesan website. Return to: Course Administrator: Helen Fallone Church House Tel Course Leader: Revd Jayne Prestwood : Church House Tel

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