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Natural Fire Restores Ecosystems

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1 Natural Fire Restores Ecosystems
The Meadow Complex Wildland Fire Use Event Yosemite National Park Fire Progression July 10-22, 2004 July 17 July 11 July 11 July 17 July 11 July 20 July 14 July 24 Natural Fire Restores Ecosystems The goal of the wildland fire use program is to allow natural ignitions to restore fire as an ecological process and natural agent of change. Fire will be used to reduce the density of native plant communities, restore age-class mosaics and reduce flammability. The effects from fire help to release and recycle nutrients essential for growth and reproduction of many plant species. Land managers must also balance the use of fire for resource benefits with fire suppression to protect life and property. Many naturally ignited wildland fires are now being managed for the benefit of the natural resources.

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