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Throughout your presentation please ensure you are adhering to the style guide. Do not use additional pictures, clipart, etc. Fire Rescue.

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Presentation on theme: "Throughout your presentation please ensure you are adhering to the style guide. Do not use additional pictures, clipart, etc. Fire Rescue."— Presentation transcript:

1 Throughout your presentation please ensure you are adhering to the style guide. Do not use additional pictures, clipart, etc. Fire Rescue

2 Areas of Responsibility
Functions/Areas of Responsibility (One slide with max. 8 bullet points) - This slide should include a high level overview of your departments divisions, functions, and/or areas of responsibility Areas of Responsibility Fire Suppression Emergency Medical Services Fire Prevention and Investigation Life Safety Education Emergency Operation Coordination

3 2017 Achievements CAAS Accreditation Emergency Medical Services
FY 17 Achievements (One slide with max 8 bullet points) - Include major accomplishments that stem from policy discussions made by the City Commission, formal recognitions of achievement from outside agencies/organizations, or improvements to customer service. 2017 Achievements CAAS Accreditation Emergency Medical Services CFAI Accreditation Standard of Cover Fire Rescue Services CFO Chief Fire Officer Designation

4 Performance Measures 2016 2017 (Oct. – May) Calls for Service
FY 17 Performance Measures YTD (One slide in table format include 2016 actual and 2017 ytd.) - Some departments have several measures that indicate operational performance. Measures provided on this slide should be limited to those with fiscal impacts, support proposed highlights and enhancements, or measures directly related to customer service. Performance Measures 2016 2017 (Oct. – May) Calls for Service Average Response Time 15,572 Fire 6:17 11,775 / 16,000 EMS 5:43 Annual Fire Insp 2,667 1,807 / 2,700 New Construction 1,059 720 Plan Review 1,368 808 Public Education 26 / 27,016 18 / 5,524

5 Policy Considerations
Policy Considerations - This slide is reserved for externalities affecting your department, new or imminent federal or state legislation or environmental issues such as see level rise are a few examples. Additionally, consider policy decisions that need to be addressed by the City Commission in order to prevent or resolve an issue, or provide direction to move forward. Policy Considerations Assistant District Chief Continuity of Coverage Emergency Management Additional Fire Inspector Annual Fire Inspection Increase compliance Increase revenue

6 Budget Summary - Department
To be used if multiple divisions in a department…. Break out separately if an enterprise fund. Budget Summary - Department FY17 Adopted FY18 Department Request %Change $ Per Resident $24,996,028 25,996,120 4% $334.75

7 Program and Service Enhancements
This slide should be reserved to justify budget changes/increases proposed in you operations for FY 18. Each bullet should include justification, additional expenses, potential increases in revenue, new or improved services to customers, and personnel changes. In departments that have more than one division, this slide should be placed after each division budget summary. Program and Service Enhancements EMS Control Substance Dispensing Machine Replacement of Light Fleet for Fire Prevention Software Licenses for new Inspection program, NFPA License Vehicle Lift Bags replacement Replace one Suppression unit (Fire Engine) Replace one Medical Rescue unit


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