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Mediation’s Role in Billing

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1 Mediation’s Role in Billing

2 Context of Mediation Mediation gathers data from different switches.
Required downstream applications are produced. Mediation processes data for different downstream applications. Local Switches Long Distance Switches International Switches Cellular & PCS Switches ATM Switches IP Switches IN Elements Voice Messaging Switches Bill Processing Fraud Hot Billing Network Analysis Market Research Data Warehousing Report Writer Reseller Other Carriers Data Processing Unit Usage: Collections & Activations Usage: Delivery & Service Requests I/P from Network Elements O/P to Down Stream System MEDIATION

3 Mediation: Traditional vs. Convergent
Mediation software, an Important piece In the whole telecom business, executes usage collection. It bridges the network dements on one side and telecom business support systems (BS5) like Billing systems. Rating systems. Usage analysis on the other side. The extraction of raw customer usage data from diverse Network elements and transforming it into meaningful Business Information Next generation services has raised the importance of the mediation component as a critical one in the business plans of operators

4 Traditional Mediation System Convergent Mediation System
One Mediation System per network element or downstream application. Traditional Mediation System OSS/BSS Applications OSS/BSS Applications OSS/BSS Applications A Mediation System Convergent Mediation System C Mediation System Wireless: 2/2. 5/3G Broadband IP Wireline

5 Convergent Mediation System Convergent Mediation System
One Mediation System for all network element or downstream application. Convergent Mediation System OSS/BSS Applications Convergent Mediation System Wireless: 2/2. 5/3G Broadband IP Wireline

6 Types of Mediation 1. Collect the CDRs
Here are some of the important functionalities of mediation. Collect the CDRs Validate the CDRs Filter the CDRs Aggregate or Split/Clone Present CDRs Route and Distribute the CDRs 1. Collect the CDRs Collection 6 Archiving is a process m which the raw billing data is retrieved (rom the network elements and then archived into a specie format to avoid data loss or for future reference as per business requirements.

7 Types of Mediation 2. Validate the CDRs
Note: It may be possible that Mediation will not perform all the functionalities, which are mentioned Data Formats: ASCII, CSV, Binary, ASN, AMA, TAP, XML etc. Collect the CDRs Validate the CDRs Filter the CDRs Aggregate or Split/Clone Present CDRs Route and Distribute the CDRs 2. Validate the CDRs Data is validated during and after the parse process. It is a process in which the validity or input data is verified so as to generate correct billing information for the calls made.

8 Types of Mediation 3. Filter the CDRs
Collect the CDRs Validate the CDRs Filter the CDRs Aggregate or Split/Clone Present CDRs Route and Distribute the CDRs 3. Filter the CDRs Filtering and Conversion is a process in which the unnecessary records are stripped off to improve billing process efficiency; and then convert the effective records in a format understandable by the billing system.

9 Types of Mediation 4. Aggregate or Split/Clone
Collect the CDRs Validate the CDRs Filter the CDRs Aggregate or Split/Clone Present CDRs Route and Distribute the CDRs 4. Aggregate or Split/Clone Aggregation and correlation are processes in which the data is analyzed and then corresponding data for a single call is aggregated, which can be utilized for complete billing of that particular call.

10 Types of Mediation 5. Present CDRs
Collect the CDRs Validate the CDRs Filter the CDRs Aggregate or Split/Clone Present CDRs Route and Distribute the CDRs 5. Present CDRs Cloning is a process in which the CDRs are duplicated when required and routed to different billing systems/subscriber as per the business need. Split is a process extracting a subset of the record to create a new record which is an independent billing entity.

11 Types of Mediation 6. Route and Distribute the CDRs
Collect the CDRs Validate the CDRs Filter the CDRs Aggregate or Split/Clone Present CDRs Route and Distribute the CDRs 6. Route and Distribute the CDRs The CORs are routed and distributed as per the downstream system's requirements such as protocols etc.

12 Types of Mediation Let’s take a look at the two types of mediation and the differences between them: Passive Mediation Collection of usage data after the Service has been provided. Does not get involved in authentication of the subscriber or authorization of the service itself. Instead, it concerns itself with accounting for use after-the-fact. Thus its unidirectional. Data processed in batches. Protocols: FTP, SFTP, XFERNG etc. Collection and routing of usage data to rightful downstream is vital for in time billing and RA activities.

13 Types of Mediation Active Mediation
In-service flow handling of requests in real-time. Active mediation plays a pivotal role in the authentication of subscribers for the service, accounting in the form of prepaid balance or postpaid credit limit threshold checks and authorization or denial of the service. Thus its bi-directional Prepaid data - real-time Authentication, Accounting and Authorization (AAA) for any service in line with prepaid balances Pay-at-once - real-time AAA for any service at point of use/purchase Postpaid - real-time AAA for any service in a post pay environment. Protocols: Diameter, Radius, GTP, GTP prime etc. The reliability and throughput of active mediation systems is vital to maintain continuity and avoid data and service loss.

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