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Dementia 3 & Meds Management Target Mini Collaborative

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Presentation on theme: "Dementia 3 & Meds Management Target Mini Collaborative"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dementia 3 & Meds Management Target Mini Collaborative
26th March 2013 Dementia 3 & Meds Management Target Mini Collaborative Insert name of presentation on Master Slide

2 National Dementia Vision for Wales (2011)
“The Welsh Assembly Government has made a commitment to make immediate improvements to dementia services in Wales by taking forward the priority actions that have been identified and delivering the following commitments”

3 Welsh Gov Strategy

4 How to Guide

5 Dementia Target & sites
1) Making and sharing the diagnosis reduce time between onset of symptoms & diagnosis being communicated 2) Dementia in the general hospital Improved quality of general hospital care for people with dementia and reduced length of stay 3) Use of anti-psychotics Reduced inappropriate use of anti-psychotic medications in accordance with NICE/SCIE guidelines. 4) Support for care-givers Improved support for care givers 5) NHS in-patient care (mental health units) Improved quality of care

6 Model for Improvement

7 Repeated use of the PDSA Cycle
Changes that result in improvement A P S D DATA D S P A Implementation of change A P S D Hunches, theories, best practices Wide-scale tests of change A P S D Once a process functions reliably 90% of the time or better, it is reasonable to pursue improvement in the next PDSA cycle Follow-up tests Sequential building of knowledge under a wide range of conditions Very small scale test (but with HUGE potential!!!) 1000 Lives Plus 7

8 Collaborative Improvement Model
Repeated improvement cycles: planning → testing → evaluation → sharing → implementing Repeated improvement cycles: planning → testing → evaluation → sharing → implementing Repeated improvement cycles: planning → testing → evaluation → sharing → implementing Learning session 1 Learning session 2 Learning session 3 Planning Support systems 1000 lives support team Interactive learning sessions Inter-clinic communication (e.g. monthly meetings) Continuous feedback (sharing data)

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