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Chapter 2: Planting the English Colonies

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1 Chapter 2: Planting the English Colonies

2 The need for English colonies
England is tiny and heavily populated A resource for raw materials (timber, silver, gold, crops) Crops- tobacco, rice, sugar ,indigo and cotton

3 First Colony Attempt The colony of Roanoke Island- Started by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1585 In the area of Virginia(now, North Carolina) Mysteriously failed


5 The Decline of Spain Spain is incredibly rich from colonies in Mexico and further South. Philip II of Spain- Considers himself the enemy of England. Uses funds to create the “Invincible Armada”

6 Spain (continued) The Armada is a symbol of Catholic success- 130 ships Philip II wants to prove the skill of the Armada against England 1588- Armada is sent to invade England

7 England’s success The Armada is defeated soundly
The English Navy is faster and handled better than the slow, awkward Armada

8 England’s rise With the Spanish Armada defeated, England’s navy became the dominate force in North America Triggered an explosion of English culture.( ex. Shakespeare, Newton, etc.)

9 Primogeniture The law of inheritance in England
Eldest living son inherits property and estates Second sons are forced to find own fortune(Francis Drake, Walter Raleigh)

10 Joint- Stock Companies
Investors pool their money together to create companies to establish colonies. Money to be made from the resources in New World. Planned to be sold off for profits.

11 The Virginia Company Received royal charter in 1606 for New World.
Charter- legal document from a government. States the purpose of the venture. And the obligations of the group or agency.


13 Early Jamestown Very unsuccessful 40 of 100 died
These were gentlemen that didn’t know how to survive

14 Captain John Smith Became the head of the Virginia colony.- 1608
“He, who shall not work, shall not eat.” Kidnapped by the Powhatan Tribe

15 Pocahontas “Saved” John Smith from execution
Helped to negotiate a limited truce between Settlers and Native Americans She helped as intermediary( middle-man) between these two groups

16 This is not real


18 The Real John Smith

19 Lord De La Warr Becomes the new head of Jamestown in 1610
Strict military leader Aggressive Native American fighter

20 Disease Native Americans couldn’t fight off European disease
Europeans couldn’t fight off “New World” disease Biggest killer: Smallpox, Malaria

21 Disorganized Many tribes are lacking experienced leaders because of European disease Tribes align with various European powers.

22 Disposable By the 1620’s, the colonist have become skilled enough to no longer need Indian aide. Colonists began to further encroach on Native American land for economic reasons

23 Why Plantations? The need for large plantations comes from the need to rotate soil. Tobacco is soil intensive.

24 Virginia’s booming economy
Tobacco is the first colonial CASH crop. John Rolfe-perfects the cultivation process (1612) The need for large plantations comes from the need to rotate soil. Tobacco is soil intensive.

25 Early Slavery 1619- A Dutch warship appears off the coast of Jamestown
20 Africans are sold into slavery Slavery is too expensive for most white colonists Slavery doesn't explode until the end of 1600’s

26 Maryland: Catholic Safe Haven
Proprietary Colony: founded by Lord Baltimore, 1634 Baltimore wants a safe place for Catholics Gives large estates for family friends

27 Act of Toleration- 1649 Passed to help calm Protestant tension
Only recognized religions that accepted the divinity of Jesus. Death penalty for others Allowed for less freedom than before.

28 West Indies Island colonies of England
Sugar was the backbone of the economy Sugar was expensive to produce Barbados Slave Code

29 The Carolinas The Carolina colony started in 1629
North separated from South in 1712 Rice became the early cash crop of the Carolinas

30 Georgia- 13th Colony Buffer between England and Spain- 1733
Philanthropic Foundation- debtors’ colony People could work off debts in productive way. James Oglethorpe- soldier and influenced Georgia’s foundation.

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